Why Your Business Can’t Do Without SEO – Unless you run a well and truly consolidated business that is well established and can rely on consistent streams of customers, leads, sales and revenue, and in that case your SEO is likely to be ‘organically’ strong anyway, then you cannot get past SEO.

This is especially true in 2021 after a year that has been extremely disrupted by an unprecedented global pandemic which has created havoc all over the world.

Here in Australia we can consider ourselves very lucky because for various reasons the negative impact of the pandemic has been minimised, and for the majority of us we have been able to live our lives in a way that is pretty much the same as it was before March 2020. In addition, backlink packages from Searcharoo can help you to rank your pages in Google search.

However the shockwaves caused by the pandemic have had a significant impact on how we do business, and as there are now lots more people taking advantage of flexible working and work from home, it means that there has been a significant increase in people being connected online, spending more time online, and doing business online.

This, together with the current uncertainty about the overall status of the global economy, has induced many businesses to rethink their marketing strategies and shift their focus more towards digital marketing channels. And it is no surprise that SEO comes at the top of that list; in fact, according to a leading SEO Brisbane agency, 60% of marketers say that SEO is their highest quality source of leads.

We had seen a similar trend already in 2007 – 2008 when the GFC (Global Financial Crisis) hit the world. But at the least here in Australia, this has also had the effect of prompting all those businesses that previously had only relied on their physical presence to invest online.

So why SEO?

With an increased number of people searching online it is a must for any business to be found when people are looking for your products and services. Not ranking, means that your business doesn’t even exist to them; but unfortunately the reality is that unless your SEO is good enough to make your website rank close to the top of the first page of Google, chances are that you won’t see much traffic coming to your website.

A long term game

Without good SEO rankings that generate qualified traffic, a business would have to rely on other marketing channels to drive visits to the website, and in turn generate online leads and sales. Therefore most likely having to resort to paid channels to supplement the lack of organic visibility, which also makes this very difficult to sustain in the long term.

The trust factor

Besides organic links are generally considered to be more trustworthy by consumers, which means that between paid and organic links it is often true to see ⅔ of the clicks going to SEO versus ⅓ of the clicks (and traffic) going to the sponsored links.

I think that we have provided some compelling reasons for which now more than ever you should invest and commit to SEO. Now it’s over to you to turn our recommendations into action and make your business flourish online with SEO.