We are living through an extraordinary period in which our lives have changed to a greater or lesser extent. Billions of people in the world are in a quarantine in which many of their activities have been reduced, just as their daily lives have changed. Without a doubt, technology is playing a fundamental role in communications and the search for information as well. In this article, we report that indicates how 5G can be very important in the COVID-19 pandemic.

5G May be Important Against COVID-19

The pandemic we are experiencing is affecting in one way or another, practically every country in the world. It is a common enemy for humanity, and we have at our disposal many tools available to combat it: Science, medicine, technology. Networks and the Internet also play an important role.

We talked about allowing users to keep in touch with friends and family now that it is not physically possible. It also allows you to search for information, entertainment, or even work remotely. All this a few decades ago was unthinkable and would have made everything very difficult.

We are fortunate to have technology and tools that help us combat this problem. According to a report that we echo, 5G could be fundamental during this period and not only in the short term.

As we know, this mobile technology provides very interesting solutions. It introduces improvements not only in speed compared to 4G, but we also have more stability and lower latency. This allows, among other things, to make video calls with virtually no latency.


One of the most important points is that 5G allows to implement some changes in healthcare. We can see cases of robots that are being used in countries like China in which physical contact between health workers and patients is decreased, for example, when carrying food.

Those robots can even use to collect samples without putting a person at risk. The main objective is to decrease contact and therefore decrease contagion.

This technology, these robots, can be controlled by devices thanks to the 5G network. In this way, the latency is minimal, and it is practical as if we were there.


5G can also bring many benefits to education. We live in times in which online education, classes through the screen, are gaining much weight. Right now, in the whole world, all schools, institutes, and universities are closed, and many students are taking classes through the Internet.

This technology can contribute important advances to make the classes more fluid, the exchange between teachers and students more agile, and offer a wide range of possibilities. We have already seen that thanks to 5G, we can make video calls with much more quality, without cuts and practically with non-existent latency.

Therefore we can say that it can also contribute to this sense of education. Especially to have more capacity to avoid saturation and quality problems in video calls.


Something similar occurs in communications, for example, to make video conferences. It will allow for a better connection, more quality, and stability. This will allow people to maintain contact with friends and family regardless of the distance in better conditions.

Technology has greatly improved in recent years in this regard. It allows communication to maintain at very different levels than just a few years ago. We have more tools, devices, and, ultimately, possibilities to communicate. Here 5G will play an important role by offering higher quality to users.


Telecommuting has become very present in these times. Many people are starting to work from home, and that also means that we are going to need tools for it. One of them logically is an Internet connection. We need to have a good network to help us.

Here 5G, once again, can play a key role. Without a doubt, it offers speeds never seen before on mobile devices, more indoor coverage, and, ultimately, improvements when using our equipment to work over the Internet.

Experts agree that teleworking in many sectors has come to stay, and where the technology we use is going to be essential. 5G, therefore, will be a key piece.

Ultimately, 5G can help combat the COVID-19 pandemic. You can do it both directly (through the use of robots in healthcare, for example), and indirectly (improvement in communications, teleworking.)

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