Technology Trends To Watch Out For In The Future – The pandemic completely altered the way companies worked daily. It brought in the use of employee monitoring tool like Flowtrack to boost productivity in these difficult times. By doing this, the pandemic has completely transformed the digital ecosystem. These innovations are changing the way we perceive life. We are digging deeper to be more productive and competitive using technology.

Businesses are speeding up innovation to be prepared to handle unprecedented times. The next few years will surprise us with more innovations and disruptions. And some are already in the process of becoming mainstream.

Emerging Technological Trends Set to Impact the Future

The digital transformation has brought with it immense opportunities and possibilities.

Let us look at some emerging technological trends in 2021 that are all set to increase possibilities and boost productivity in the coming years.

1. Syncing Data With the Cloud

Cloud computing, an increasingly adopted IT strategy, provides flexibility in accessing and processing data. It allows you to perform tasks online and make your company’s data safe and accessible for your staff. Companies that have already integrated their operations with this technology have faced fewer obstacles in adapting to this new technology. They have been able to minimize the effects of the crisis brought about by the pandemic.

Many give excuses for not migrating to the cloud. But we must not forget that when COVID 19 hit us in 2020, those companies that did not sync to the cloud lost employee productivity and subsequently suffered monetary losses. Companies had never factored in ‘Global Pandemic’ in their business continuity plans. And now, post the pandemic, digital transformation has moved to the top in the list of priorities for all companies. Because of this reason, cloud computing will continue to gain importance as companies prepare for uncertainty.

2. HR Technologies for Remote Work

Forrester Research predicts that remote work will continue for a long period. It even talks about Human Resources technologies and automation for the future. Employee experience in 2021 is defined in terms of long-term remote work. Its success will depend on how companies invest in HR technologies and how well they can manage the crisis.

According to the research firm, less than one-third of the firms conduct employee experience surveys. A little more than one-third of companies opt for a voice-of-the-employee program. Such programs are crucial for measuring and improving employee experiences. Predictions for the technology trends of the future indicate that employee experience is imperative in improving productivity.

3. Artificial Intelligence for Automation

Artificial intelligence has already proved itself imperative for digital transformation. It is already improving the way many companies work. With the onset of the pandemic, its use became more widespread. For example, many organizations use it to facilitate the execution of processes and optimize the decision-making process.

Artificial intelligence keeps companies ahead in the market by offering better decision-making, automation, and productivity skills. AI solutions are designed to solve several business problems. These can be a simple algorithm to improve reporting, a cloud-based AP automation suite, or an ERP module for your accounting department. As businesses make efforts towards automation and improve remote work productivity, AI will become more widespread and necessary.

4. Internet of Things for Enhanced Connectivity

The Internet of Things is the future of technology. It connects devices such as home appliances, cars, etc., with each other and allows them to exchange data over the internet.

This IoT technology provides better security and improves business decision-making.  In this, information is collected and analyzed over the internet. It is believed to provide predictive maintenance, improve customer care and allow quicker access to medical care, among other things. Statistica Forecasts predicts that over 50 billion IoT devices will be in use in 2030 globally. This will create a huge web of interconnected devices, inclusive of smartphones and kitchen appliances.

5. Improved Tools to Enhance Productivity

Many employees may permanently work from home in the future. Location restrictions no longer pose an issue as many executives claim to have improved productivity during the pandemic. But those teams that have never worked remotely in the past are facing issues with the software they are currently using. Such companies will have to find newer ways to handle their organizational needs. These may include file sharing and management of remote tasks, clients, and time. A whole range of productivity tools will be used to facilitate smooth integration, offer a better understanding, and provide a smoother experience across platforms.

6. 5G for faster Connectivity

In the last few years, there was a lot of hype surrounding 5G and its impact. In 2021, the use of 5G may become real. Now that remote work, digital collaboration, and videoconferencing have become a part of our everyday lives, we are in dire need of a reliable network that connects fast. According to Gartner, by 2023, there will be about 1 billion active users of 5G. This amounts to 217% compound annual growth. The deployment of 5G will rapidly change the dynamics of various industries. Those organizations already using AI, IoT, and customer data platforms will benefit the most from the 5G boom. This will lead to improved insights into customer needs, behavior, and preferences.

7. Rise of Edge Automation Platforms

When traditional IT systems were in use, only those who had a good understanding of IT could work with them. Therefore, people had to spend long hours on the phone with IT to solve every simple problem. They could have otherwise used these hours productively. Today with edge automation platforms, even those who do not have a thorough knowledge of IT can help to offer support.

Edge computing capabilities involve analyzing, processing, and storing data locally, in real-time at or close to gathered data. It runs continuously without the need for IT support. This improves productivity as the downtime is less. Since the inception of digital transformation, companies have been on the lookout for producing maximum output with minimum input. With technology, a new world of opportunity opens up for every business in every sphere.

The Road Ahead:  Advanced Technology To Ease Remote Working

Remote work is the new normal and is here to stay. Even before the pandemic struck, companies were focused on the wellbeing of their staff and tried making work more flexible. With COVID, companies had to find ways to make remote working easier. They already had the required tools land the quest for digital transformation made it easier to use these tools to succeed.

Earlier the very thought of connecting a distributed workforce may have sounded like an impossible nightmare. But things have changed a lot now. It is easier for two employees from different countries to collaborate and connect easily today than those sitting next to each other. Many offices are moving from paperwork and documentation to a completely paperless setup.

Cloud-based storage, AR, and other technologies are providing solutions to make remote work easy. Companies no longer have to consider geographical limitations to recruit talent. They now have the HRAPP remote employee monitoring software for better project management. Additionally, these monitoring tools help access real-time data and be better informed of employees and their work. All these together will ensure growth and productivity for any organization. Thus, we can safely conclude that digital transformation is bound to take organizations on the road to success in this post-Covid era.