Currently, we can find symmetric fiber optics as one more option for those who for some reasons or others, do not have enough with conventional connections . However, this type of network also has a number of aspects to take into account. That can condition its operation and that are necessary to know to get the most out of them, as was informed from programming homework help experts.

Next, we will investigate more about it, and we will see how it works, what are its most significant differences and also, the environments for which it is specially indicated. Finally, we will see what are its greatest advantages, and we will also ask ourselves if it has any drawback.

Definition Symmetric Fiber Optics

Symmetrical fiber optics is easy to explain. If we have a traditional ADSL connection or fiber – optic “plain,” we will see speeds other than up and down. Being always higher than the latter. In other words, you can always download faster than we can upload content. Symmetrical fiber optics equals these two parameters, that is, we will always have the same download speed to download data as to upload it.

Is symmetric fiber optics faster?

At an opening glance, it may seem like it, but it has nothing to do with it. Many times it is the operators that give more speed to their offers of symmetrical fiber but for commercial interest, not due to technical limitations. In other words, we could have a 600 Mbps download and 30 Mbps upload connection without problems.

That is to say, in our house, if we have a symmetrical 600 Mbps connection. It does not mean that we are equally distributed a 1.2 Gbps channel. The fiber optic technology has much more capacity and only responds to a limit on the part of the operator that we reach a certain level of upstream or downstream download gigabytes, not due to the physical limitations of the cable.

The upload and download frequencies are essential in terms of how we use them. So if we only carry out activities that require downloading, the speed we appreciate is the same. Now, as we will see below, if we also want to make one that needs uploading, having a symmetrical fiber will improve our experience.

For Which Environments are Symmetric fiber optics most suitable?

Currently, companies offer symmetrical fiber optics to homes. Since in homes, we find more and more devices that require more bandwidth to be able to surf the Internet, social networks, etc. However, fiber optics are especially indicated in places, or for users, where a rapid flow of information and data transfer, upload and download of files is needed.

Some of the services in which we will notice improvement with asymmetrical optical fiber will be, For example, in video calls, to play different games online since our lag or delay will be reduced (the time it takes since we do an action and It has its impact on the game, after all, that’s a data upload). Let’s not say if at the same time we are playing, we are streaming video of the game, for example. We will also see improvements in the times to upload files to the Internet. For example, when syncing with Dropbox or Google Drive or simply to upload a video to YouTube. Finally, we will also notice it in something very classic on the Internet, email. Sending heavy files now, if our account allows it, will be much faster.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like everything, in this case, we also find the pros and cons. If we had to find some drawbacks, the main ones would be the price. Which on some occasions is usually higher than that of conventional or asymmetric fiber.  And on the other hand, the geographical coverage, since, if in many places we still do not find high-quality cables traditional speed. The existence of symmetric fiber optics becomes more complicated.

Among the advantages, logically, we would have a higher upload capacity. But, above all, reflected in a lower latency at least, in our team. The possibility of transferring a greater amount of data more quickly, as we have pointed out before.