The Future of Traditional Casinos – Gaming has changed drastically over the years. Gone are the time of walking to the casino. Blackjack, roulette, poker… are all now available in the back of your pocket.

Want to play baccarat at 2 am in bed? Want to try your luck on pay with your phone casino slots during your work lunch break? You can. With the rise in technology, the casino industry has moved online. Whether you have a laptop or mobile, the games are suitable for all technology gadgets.

The ease and accessibility of online casino are full of great possibilities, but it does beg the question.

What is going to happen to the traditional casino?

There are some experiences that are better in person than virtually. I personally believe that casinos fall into that category.

Do not get me wrong, developers have done an extraordinary job at creating the casino experience online. It is almost as good as actually being there. Some could even argue that the convenience of online casinos actually makes it better than being there.

The atmosphere

A casino is full of people. The lights are blinding. The noise is inconceivable. The sounds of dice rolling. The cries of regret. The cheers of success. They cannot be experienced online.

It is significant in a time where technology is taking over the world, that we do not forget to experience real life. Getting caught up on social media and online games is very easy to do. Going out and socialising is full of benefits. So why not go to the casino?

How will they stay afloat?

The biggest challenge traditional casinos face is persuasion. Persuading individuals to go to casinos. Millennials have grown up with technology meaning persuading them to leave the house is a challenge on its own. A greater challenge is persuading them to gamble. It’s not a secret that individuals today are more cautious than they were fifty years ago. With unprecedented house prices, a failing economy and technological advancements, people spend money cautiously. This is technically a good thing but for casinos it’s not.

Casinos are built on risk. When people stop taking risks, casinos fall. Online casinos also offer free incentives that traditional casinos rarely do.

Casinos can be viewed as outdated. If you think of a casino, the chances are you think of a typical film casino. My mind always races back to James Bond. Casino Royale is a classic film and watching it makes me want to go to a casino with a martini in my hand, but the younger generations are not so easily brought. For traditional casinos to last, they need to become popular and relevant again.

The future of traditional casinos is unpredictable. If they want to remain then they need to appeal to the next generation.