The way we communicate today has radically changed. It is a change in constant movement, and probably in a few years, we will use new methods. If we look back, just a few years ago, the most common was to send an SMS or make a call. Messaging programs on the computer and social networks arrived, and this changed. Today, instant messaging applications are what rules. In this article, we are going to give some tips to use WhatsApp and WhatsApp Web in complete safety.

As we know, WhatsApp is today the most popular instant messaging application. It is very present in society and at all ages. In addition to the mobile application, we can also use WhatsApp Web, the version with which we can talk comfortably from our computer through the browser.

However, the fact that it is such a popular option to keep in touch with other users also makes cybercriminals set their sights here. This makes scams and security problems frequent. Hence, it is worth taking into account some generic and also specific tips for both WhatsApp and WhatsApp Web.

How to Use WhatsApp Securely?

Activate Two-Step Verification

One of the security measures that we can use in WhatsApp is to activate the verification in two steps. In this way, we prevent potential intruders from using our account. As we know, this is increasingly present on the Internet. It means that you need to use a second code to verify the account and use it.

To activate it, we have to enter Settings, go to Account, and access Verification in two steps. Later we have to activate it.

Be Aware of the Privacy

Privacy closely links to the security of our accounts. In WhatsApp, as well as other similar platforms, we can configure different aspects to improve privacy. For example, prevent them from seeing our profile picture. We can configure so that only our contacts see it. The same concerning our data as the state that we put.

It is essential to preserve privacy in order to avoid derived problems that affect our security. It is something that we can also apply to social networks and similar platforms.

Always Install the Application From Official Sites

Of course, whenever we go to install WhatsApp, you have to download it from stores and official pages. In the case of Android, you have to do it from Google Play, and from the iOS devices, you have to go to the Apple Store.

By downloading from official sources, we ensure that this software has not been maliciously modified.

Use Encryption on Mobile

The security of our mobile also affects the security of WhatsApp. In this sense, something basic is to use proper encryption on your mobile. In this way, we can not only prevent someone from our environment from accessing our conversations but also lessen the impact of a lost or stolen mobile phone.

If our terminal is unencrypted, anyone who had access to the device could easily enter WhatsApp, impersonate our identity, see our photos sent and received, read the conversations.

Files and Links Received, A Threat

This is important. Many of the main WhatsApp threats come through fraudulent links and harmful files that we receive. You have to be very careful with this and not trust everything we receive, even if a trusted contact sends it to us.

Sometimes we may come across a link that redirects us to a fraudulent page. Perhaps it has been sent to us by contact of ours who has previously been infected. We must have common sense and thus protect our accounts.

How to Improve Security on WhatsApp Web?

We have seen the case of WhatsApp, but now we are going to give some tips to improve security and privacy on the WhatsApp Web.

Be Careful When Logging in

The most important thing is to be careful when logging in. As we know, we can open our account in any browser. The problem is that if we leave the account started, anyone could access it later. A problem if we are going to use a public or someone else’s computer.

In this sense, we recommend logging in incognito mode, and in this way, our data will not save.

The Network and The Team, Keys

The network from which we access is also key, as well as the equipment itself. Make sure that there is no Trojan on that computer and that it can save everything we write, for example.

Furthermore, public networks can pose a threat. They are useful in some circumstances, but we don’t know who may be behind it. You have to be careful in this regard.

See Which Computers are Connected

It is interesting to see what computers we have connected. In this way, we can find possible anomalies that compromise our privacy and security. For this, we enter the mobile application and go to the WhatsApp Web. Here we will see the devices with open sessions and when was the last time we used them.

If you see something that does not add up, it could be a fraud, and someone could be using or accessing our account. For example, if we leave the session open on a device.

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