Why do some accounts have that blue check, and others do not? The reason is simple: for the reason that some are verified by the social network, itself and others are not. If you have ever wondered how to verify your Instagram account, do not miss the following article. We tell you the requirements that are needed to verify an account. And we indicate everything you must do to obtain the benefits of taking this step.

What is the Blue Badge on Instagram: a Verified Account

As we have previously commented, the blue check that appears next to the name of some Instagram accounts has a meaning. It is the badge with which it indicates that an account is verified and, therefore, it is the official or authentic account of a person. In general, verification is present in the accounts of those people who require benefits due to their visibility on the networks: actors, singers, models, influencers, or popular personalities on the network, politicians, brands, companies, etc.

Benefits of a Verified Instagram


having the verified Instagram account gives credibility to everything that is publish on it since it considers to be the official channel of the person or brand that makes the publications.

This way, users are prevented from confusing these official accounts with other accounts created by fans or scammers.

Honesty and Transparency

Another advantage of Instagram account verification is that scams can avoid, something especially useful for brands and companies.

When a company has their own verified Instagram account, no other user can issue fake coupons or promotions in their name or attribute products that are not original from that company.


within the benefits of verified Instagram accounts, we find a fundamental one in a social network as visible as Instagram: visibility and positioning. Verified accounts appear first in searches, either as a recommended account or with a specific search.


This last advantage is closely linked to the previous ones, since Instagram verification helps to have more visibility, to be better positioned, to appear more credible and, consequently, to have a greater number of followers.

Requirements to Verify the Instagram Account

Although initially verified Instagram accounts are owned by famous people and brands. They are not the only users of this social network that may have that icon or blue check next to the name. However, it is necessary to meet a series of requirements to verify the Instagram account. Here are some of them:


The Instagram account for which verification is requested must comply with the terms of service and the community rules of this social network.

In this way, disrespectful accounts will not verify, or that will consider being a bad influence for other users.


it is necessary that behind the Instagram account, there is a real person or company. The social network directly rejects the verification of all those accounts that detect as fake people, projects, or companies.

Single Account

to verify an Instagram account, it is necessary that the person who has it only has a single account. This is because the social network only verifies one account per person, entity, or brand –except official accounts that are in different languages-, so that duplicate accounts are not verified.

Public Profile

Instagram also requires the account to be verified to have a full and public profile (private accounts are not verified) with a profile picture, personal details, and minimal post. To verify the account that the information is not false, Instagram also checks other social networks such as Facebook.


Verification is easier and faster if the Instagram account is relevant; that is, if it is a brand, a celebrity, or a known person.
Although they could technically verify you even if you were not popular, the truth is that verification for unknown users is much more complicated and slow.

How to Verify Instagram Account Step by Step?

If you meet the requirements mention in the previous section, you can try to have Instagram verify your account. It is not complicated. You just have to follow these steps:

  1. Open Instagram and go to your profile.
  2. Click on the ‘Options’ icon that appears at the top right of the screen (a three-striped icon).
  3. In the drop-down menu that you will see, click on the ‘Settings’ button and select ‘Account.’
  4. Click on the option ‘Request verification.’
  5. On the page that will open, you will have to fill in the information fields requested: username, name, and surname, stage name, etc.
  6. After completing all the fields, press the ‘Send’ button.
  7. Once this is done, the process will already be completed. In a few days, Instagram would have to review your account and verify that you meet all the requirements. Whether the account is verified or not. The decision made will be communicated to you shortly.

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