Steps to Understanding Investor Relations Engagement Analytics – Engagement analytics is gaining a lot of traction within capital markets as an innovative way to refine your targeting strategy.

In today’s volatile market and fast-paced digital landscape, engagement analytics can help you take control of your IR narrative and make meaningful connections with your shareholder base. But have you ever wondered how this analysis comes together? It’s not always evident how it works until you’re already in the process.

So, what is engagement analytics all about? If you’ve been scratching your head over this question, you’re in the right place. Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of what you can expect from this data-driven analysis model.

Step 1: Capture

This step is perhaps the most straightforward. Before you can crunch engagement metrics, you’ll first have to gather and supply the data you’ll use in this process.

When it comes to the average investor relations strategy, data includes any information you collect from investors and the market at large.

Inevitably, the lion’s share of data will come from your IR website, with the following info providing keen insights into investors’ online behavior:

  • Page Visits
  • Views
  • Downloads
  • Session Times
  • Bounce Rates

You’ll also want to pull information from your IR CRM tools and virtual capital markets events, including registration and attendance. However, don’t forget to include market intelligence, including regulatory updates, stock performance, and trends.

At this stage, data hygiene is crucial, as it eliminates the chances you crunch incorrect information and come to the wrong conclusions. Errors, inaccuracies, and incomplete entries are three things you’ll want to look out for when cleaning your data.

Step 2: Consolidate

If you’re like most IROs, you collect data across a variety of apps, so your data sets may be siloed. You’ll still be able to analyze siloed data, but you may have to extract pertinent information manually to understand your shareholder base.

Consolidating your data into a single, end-to-end platform digitizes this process and makes this second step much easier for your team. Most end-to-end IR tech relies on powerful Artificial Intelligence that does this for you.

Optimizing your data this way tears down siloed systems and ensures your IR tech is interconnected across all channels, at all times.

Step 3: Analyze

The final step symbolizes the core use of engagement analytics, as it involves the synthesis and analysis of raw data. Its purpose is to transform unconnected data points from various data sets into actionable IR intelligence your team can use to make informed decisions.

As with step two, you can complete this final stage on your own. In fact, the earliest behavioral analytics began in the 1950s with rudimentary technologies.

Today’s tech, on the other hand, relies on state-of-the-art machine learning and AI to automate analysis and create faster insights into your shareholder base.

Sophisticated modelling illustrates this data and the intended connections between them, making it easier to digest and apply information to your investor relations strategy.

What Can You Do with This Information?

Engagement analytics gives you a 360-view of investor behavior across your digital footprint, providing invaluable insights into your shareholder base and market sentiment. You’ll be able to report on impact, understand investor decisions making, refine your approach to targeting, and accelerate your response time to critical situations, like activism. In other words, you’ll be able to take definitive action.