Did you have any idea that typical data quality issues affect more than 90% of the companies? The most prevalent happen to be outdated contacts, incorrect data, duplicates, as well as incomplete records. It will be quite tough to detect new customers and comprehend the requirements of the clients as well as marketing evolution in case the data is not clean and precise.

What exactly is data quality?

Data quality is a vital part of data governance which helps to make certain that the data of your organization is ideal for its intended purpose. Data quality refers to the usefulness of a dataset as well as the simplicity of processing plus evaluation for other purposes. The dimensions of data QA such as accuracy, conformity, completeness, consistency, and integrity help to guarantee that your data governance analytics provide reliable outcomes consistently.

One study has revealed the fact that human error happens to be the primary reason for incorrect data at present. It consumes plenty of time while trying to improve low-quality data, and one has to make lots of effort for doing that. Other aspects that might result in poor quality data might include an absence of communication plus incorrect techniques of data management. These problems can be addressed by proactive leadership.

How poor data quality can affect your company?

  • Unreliable analysis – Inferior confidence levels in analysis and reporting make bottom-line management quite tough.
  • Higher processing expenses – Once the data happens to be wrong, it will take a lot of time to accomplish a unit of work.
  • Loss of brand value – The brand value of a company is going to decrease rapidly when frequent errors are made.
  • Compliance risk and poor governance – Compliance will not be optional anymore, and it becomes tough to survive in the competition without them.

How can we measure data quality?

You will not find it tough to spot data QA. You will find it hard to make precise assessments since data quality happens to be ambiguous. Numerous variables can be used by you for obtaining the ideal measurement technique and context for data quality.

It is vital for customer information to be precise, complete, as well as accessible during a marketing campaign. Moreover, customer data ought to be precise, unique, plus consistent for a typical marketing campaign across every engagement level. The dimensions of data quality are concerned with the characteristics specific to the situation.

What are the dimensions of data quality?

  • Accuracy – It is essential for businesses to show real-world occurrences and situations in the data. Analysts must depend on verifiable sources for validating the measure of precision.
  • Consistency – Data consistency refers to the consistency of data as it comes from various sources and travels across networks and applications. The significance of consistency is that similar datasets ought to be present in diverse locations without clashing. It is essential to bear in mind that consistent data might be incorrect.
  • Completeness – The completeness of the data evaluates whether it will be able to deliver the necessary values successfully.
  • Uniqueness – It will be imperative for each piece of information or event in a dataset to be unique. There must not be any duplicate records in the data set. Data cleansing can be used by companies for helping with a low rating of uniqueness.
  • Timeliness – Timely data is info that will be readily obtainable when required. This factor likewise requires keeping data updated such that it is current and accessible at all times.
  • Validity – it will be essential for businesses to accumulate data following the established parameters and regulations of the business. Furthermore, all data values ought to be within the proper range plus every dataset value must correspond to formats that are acceptable.