The Pros & Cons of Automated Testing – Automated testing involves writing code that compares the expected scenarios of the programme with what the user receives. Any deficiencies and discrepancies are analysed and presented in the form of a report. This software testing is necessary in complex applications with a large number of features and options. Testing of a software product, in which the main testing steps are carried out using automated tools (running, initiation, execution, processing of results and drawing of conclusions).

Like all narrowly focused products, software testing automation has its pros and cons. Accordingly, there are cases where automated testing can be performed, and variants where manual mode is more useful.

The undeniable advantages of automated testing include:

Cyclicality – the assurance that the autotests created will always follow the same algorithm of checks, which will not miss a stipulated test in one of the cases of application.

Fast results – there is no need for human time to reconcile intermediate results, confirming that the requirements are error-free.

Cheapness – a one-time test software requires less effort to analyze the data obtained, ultimately replacing the same amount of manual testing without any loss in quality.

Reporting power – the results are easy to process and the reports themselves are easy to distribute to stakeholders.

Hands free – a human tester, while the program is running, may perform other useful activities that are not subject to automation. Testing can be performed at a time when the load on numerical resources is reduced (outside of working hours).

Cons of automated software testing

Cyclicality – monotonous tests cannot catch other elements than those for which they are written. A human being, on the other hand, is able to spot minor inconsistencies and draw conclusions about the nature of the error or make corrections at the testing level.

Support – although manual testing costs more, automated tests also need to be updated and refined so that the functionality of checks corresponds to the level of the application under test (as the complexity of the software under test increases, the autotest code needs to be updated).

Development, writing, and most importantly, debugging and testing of autotests is time-consuming. In fact, software testing is nothing but the same software. Only the functionality is very narrow ( ).

Cost – a licensed instance of an automation framework can cost a decent amount of money. And although free versions are also commonly used, their functionality often leaves a lot to be desired, and a license should help in the event of a problem described in item 2 of this list.

Minor bugs – the autotests can overlook minor defects that do not harm the code’s functionality but spoil the visual interface and complicate the end user’s experience (shifting windows, grammatical errors…).

As you can see, the advantages and disadvantages are the same. Therefore, in each case, you need to compare the expected benefits and the upcoming costs of testing with the automated method. If the disadvantages are insurmountable for you – there is one alternative – manual testing. But it has its own disadvantages too.

In some cases, automated testing is essential. For example, regression testing requires automation of the process because it is quite time-consuming to re-check the functionality after changes have been made manually. And if you want to get the highest quality product, you have to do this multiple times, even with minor code changes.

Before selecting a particular type of testing, a detailed life-cycle plan for the future application should be drawn up. If you plan to make a lot of changes, add new functionality, and update the application, then automating the testing process becomes a must. This approach is based on tests.