Non-functional testing is considered to be a type of software testing that is utilised in testing the non-functional parameters for example load, reliability, performance and accountability of particular software. The very basic primary purpose of non functional testing is to test the reading speed of the software depending upon different kinds of parameters. Non-functional testing is equally important as functional testing because it also plays a very important role in the consumer satisfaction process.

Both functional and non-functional testing is important for newly developed software because functional testing will help in checking out the correctness of the internal functions and non-functional testing will help in checking out the ability to work in an external environment. It will always set up the right way of software installation, execution and setup and the measurement and metrics utilised for internal research are also very important to be taken care of. Non-functional testing will always give detailed knowledge of the product behaviour and utilised technologies and it will also help in reducing the risk associated with the whole process.

Following are some of the very basic parameters to be tested under non-functional testing:

  1. Performance testing is one of the most important parameters because it will be directly linked with the reading speed of the software and it should be as fast as possible.
  2. Load testing is a very important component of non-functional testing because loading capacity means more and more people can efficiently work on systems simultaneously.
  3. Security testing is utilised in terms of detecting the security flaws and this particular testing will be done through investigating systems, architecture and mindset of the attackers.
  4. Portability testing is another very important thing to be taken care of because it will be successful in terms of checking out different bugs on the operating systems.
  5. Accountability testing is done to check if the system is operating correctly or not and it will always help in giving the expected output.
  6. Another very important component is reliability testing because it will make sure if the system will pass or fail under specified conditions. A reliability test is very important to be done on the software.
  7. Efficiency testing is very important to check the consumer requirements and higher level of satisfaction and further, it is very crucial to check the development of a software system in terms of consumer satisfaction levels.

Following are some of the very basic advantages of the non-functional testing systems:

  1. It will always help in providing a very high level of security because security is a fundamental feature due to which the system has been protected from cybersecurity attacks.
  2. It will always help in ensuring the loading capability of the systems so that different kinds of users and different numbers of users can use it simultaneously.
  3. It will always help in improving the overall performance of the system so that the overall goals of the concerned people are very easily and efficiently achieved.
  4. The test cases will never change because there won’t be any kind of need of writing them more than once. Hence, this is one of the most important advantages of non-functional testing.
  5. In the cases of non-functional testing, the overtime will be very less in comparison to the other kinds of testing procedures.

Hence, organisations need to indulge in the implementation of non-functional testing because it will always provide them with detailed knowledge of the product behaviour and other utilised technologies and will help in reducing the associated cost of the software. This will guarantee that companies will launch perfect solutions into the markets.