Manage Networking Equipment Repairs Post-Warranty – When you buy a piece of equipment for your data center, like a computer, router, network switch, or any other networking tool, you’ll probably get a warranty from the manufacturer. A manufacturer’s warranty is usually broad and may only last between 1-2 years.

For most pieces of tech equipment, you won’t run into problems right away. It’s not uncommon for equipment to break down within a month of the warranty’s expiration date. What do you do with an expired warranty?

If you have an expired warranty on your networking equipment, you’re not out of luck. Don’t try to get an extended warranty from the manufacturer; you should explore third-party data center maintenance companies instead.

What is a Third-Party Data Center Maintenance Company?

A third-party data center maintenance company is a business that provides support for equipment made by other manufacturers. It’s the ideal solution when the original equipment manufacturer (OEM) won’t extend support for common IT and networking equipment.

Third-party maintenance services generally include everything you’d get from the manufacturer, and also go several steps further. For example, the following services are common for third-party companies:

  • Phone support
  • Online tech support
  • Component replacement
  • On-site engineering assistance
  • Remote monitoring services
  • Operating system support
  • Multi-vendor support
  • Routine maintenance
  • Cost-management strategies

The main differences between OEM support and third-party support are the level of services provided and the cost. OEM support is usually overpriced for what you receive. Often, the contracts only cover basic services and require additional fees to get the support you need.

Your Networking Equipment Needs Protection

Since you rely on your networking equipment to run your data center, it’s important to protect that equipment. Networking equipment isn’t a small investment. The initial cost is often large, and then you have to factor in all the upgrades and replacements you’ll need to perform.

Networking infrastructure ages quickly, and will degrade the quality of services you provide. Staying on top of maintenance will help prolong the life of your equipment.

Once your warranty expires, working with a third-party maintenance company is the best way to protect your networking equipment and keep your data center operating smoothly.

You never know when a component will short out, fail, or become obsolete. You can’t afford to create unnecessary downtime for your customers and having a reputable company to call when you need help is essential.

Your Free Warranty wasn’t Really Free

If you received a warranty with your purchase, you might think it’s okay because the warranty was free. However, the cost of a “free’ warranty is always factored into the cost of the product.

You’ll pay a service fee to work with a third-party company, but you’ll get better value for your money. Not only will you have a team of experts on call, but you’ll get better service and support than if you had to call a contractor each time you need something fixed.

Granted, third-party techs may need to use aftermarket components in some cases, but that’s not as bad as it seems.

Aftermarket Components aren’t Necessarily Bad

You might be wondering if hiring a third-party is worth it since they might not have access to OEM components. It depends on the equipment, the part, and the part manufacturer.

For example, you wouldn’t want to replace a failing processor with an unknown brand. In that situation, you’d probably want to stick with AMD or Intel. However, aftermarket circuit boards, cables, connectors, and ports aren’t likely to be detrimental.

When your third-party company repairs your networking equipment with aftermarket components, you’ll probably end up saving a ton of money. If you extend your warranty through the OEM, you’ll be forced to pay the high prices for premium OEM components, no matter how basic.

Third-Party Services Provide top-Notch Service

OEM technicians are trained to specialize in the manufacturer’s equipment and so are third-party tech. When you choose a reputable company, there’s virtually no difference between OEM and third-party techs where skills are concerned.

Don’t Renew your Warranty just Yet

 Before automatically extending or renewing your expired warranty, consider the advantages of a third-party service. A company with skilled engineers can do the same job for a cheaper price, and usually cover multiple vendors.

 It’s a great deal you can’t pass up. You’ll have less paperwork, spend less capital, and you’ll get more for your money.