Angular Helps for Mobile Development – Many programmers prefer not to create applications from scratch, but to use a framework for this aim. This allows you to get rid of the need to write large amounts of standard code and thereby free the developer from routine work. But if you are not familiar with programming, the best option would be to hire an Angular developer.

And really, why re-create the bicycle and waste time writing those pieces of code that can be repeated in almost every project. Such a framework, in addition to automated work, Angular helps to structure the entire code.

And this, in turn, will help other developers deal with the written code in case of need to make changes. So, in this article I am going to observe the possibilities of how Angular helps for mobile development. Let’s start from the basics.

What is Angular?

In 2012, Google introduced the AngularJS client framework to the development community, which allows programmers to create web applications, optimize and structure code, and work on design. This technology has become popular due to its convenience, practicality, and good support.

Despite the popularity of the JS version, the developers did not stop and continued to develop a more convenient framework with a different concept of work.

The new version of the technology was called Angular 2, but later the next generation of the AngularJS framework was called simply Angular without prefixes. The new edition provides the ability to create Android and iOS applications of any complexity for mobile devices, native desktop and web versions.

What is the secret of Angular’s success?

One of the main advantages is that Angular applications are written relatively quickly, the code has a clear structure, and even programmers who are only beginners can understand it relatively easily.

This framework is a practical environment with a wide range of useful design tools and patterns. Angular is suitable for writing an application for different platforms, has a huge training base and a large community, you can connect third-party tools and modules to it, expanding the already impressive functionality.

It is built on TypeScript, but you, as the developer, do not have to learn all the intricacies of the new language, and many functions such as static typing, decorators and many others. Separately, it should be noted that in this framework, the logic of the application being developed and the views are not connected, which greatly simplifies the markup.

Let’s summarize the main advantages of using Angular that can help you to build amazing feature-rich applications:

  • Declarative code style
  • Use of special directives
  • Modularity
  • Ease of testing
  • Pre-made solutions that simplify development
  • Directives used in the framework

What kind of applications can you develop with Angular?

The Angular opens up great opportunities for developers, and allows you to create multifunctional mobile programs for several platforms. This framework is suitable for creating complex applications, while simple apps and programs of medium complexity can be created using ordinary JavaScript.

The development of applications in Angular has many factors that a developer should consider and perfectly understand all the functionality and tools of the framework. With the proper skill level, a programmer that is using this framework can quickly create diverse applications of various complexity levels for any platform and for any task.

What is mobile development?

Web applications depend on web browsers because they are hosted on web pages. Users do not need to download the application to a mobile device to access it, which means that users interact with this application through browsing, regardless of the operating system they use. To create such an application for an expert, it does not take much time and effort, and most importantly – it is cost-effective and easy to maintain. However, HTML applications are limited in their functionality because they rely heavily on a web browser and Internet connection, are slower, and cannot use most mobile device utilities. Thus, they provide a bad user experience and are considered outdated, less intuitive and interactive.

Let’s find out how each type of mobile application is different and for what purposes it is appropriate to use it.

Native applications

These are applications that are developed specifically for a specific platform (iOS, Android), taking into account its features and specifics.

Among the main advantages of native applications are the following:

  • Extensive opportunities. This type of application has access to all the features of the OS and device components (GPS, camera, calendar, contacts), so native applications have extensive functionality and are easily integrated with each other.
  • Low probability of denial of placement in the App Store or Play Store. The native app meets the standard requirements of a particular platform, so you are unlikely to have difficulty placing your app in the App Store and Play Store.
  • Lots of development tools + community. For native applications, there are currently a large number of frameworks, templates and other tools that save development time while creating a unique product.

However, despite these advantages, native applications have a very significant disadvantage – cost. To develop a unique quality product requires a narrowly qualified employee with a high level of Angular knowledge. In addition, the development period of such a product will last, respectively, longer. For better results, hire Angular developer that will create an app just perfectly for your requirements.

You should choose a native application if:

  • it is a professional application that corresponds to the philosophy of the platform;
  • it is a complex application with specific functionality;
  • the application requires high speed (fast animation, interactivity).

Hybrid applications

In contrast to native, hybrid applications are universal, they are created at once for many platforms. You could say that this is a website in application format.

Advantages of hybrid applications:

  • The hybrid application makes it possible to develop a simple and effective product inexpensively and quickly, with several platforms at once.
  • Fast market entry. The shorter development time allows you to enter the market faster and get the first profit faster.
  • Hybrid applications are created for different platforms at once, and then quite simply adapt to each of them, they are available to a wider range of users, so they are more likely to be noticed by users.

Like native, hybrid applications have a number of disadvantages:

  • This is one of the sacrifices in the name of universality. Unfortunately, hybrid applications often lose in speed. For example, when scrolling pictures, animations.
  • iOS and Android applications have their own design standards, so the design for different operating systems must be developed separately.

The development of a hybrid application should be chosen if:

  • you develop an application with simple functionality;
  • want to get an application for a low price;
  • you are interested in entering several markets at once (iOS / Android / Microsoft / Amazon).

Progressive Web App

PWA (Progressive Web App) is gaining considerable popularity today. It is a web application that is a web page but behaves and looks like a mobile application. That is, the user gets access to information and features without downloading the application. This is possible thanks to Service Worker (this is a script that the browser runs “in the background”, separately from the web page). This is the basis of every PWA. Service Worker provides reliable and intelligent caching, background content updates, push notifications and access to the offline functionality of previously visited sites. That is, after the first visit to the website, the site and the application will work reliably even with unstable coverage.

This is a good solution for business, because PWA helps to increase conversions, page visits, session duration, without the need to invest a significant amount, as in the development of a full-fledged mobile application. PWA is successfully used by AliExpress, Twitter Lite, Forbes.

Both native and hybrid apps (applications) have their advantages and disadvantages, but, in fact, are two extremes. As you know, the truth is in the middle. That’s why we want to introduce you to the future of mobile development – these are cross-platform applications.


To sum everything up, Angular framework helps a lot in mobile development. With its help you can get a fantastic app that will benefit your company. In case you need help, hire Angular developer on different freelance platforms for a suitable price. Thank you for being interested in this topic and good luck in your Angular mobile development!