Speed of Mobile Internet – Today we browse much more from mobile devices than just a few years ago. It is a reality that we have a large number of equipment with the ability to connect wirelessly. This makes Wi-Fi networks essential, but also mobile coverage. In this article, we are going to focus on the speed of the Internet on mobile. We will explain everything that can affect both using Wi-Fi and mobile data.

The Great Boom in Mobile Connections

As we have mentioned, mobile connections have boomed in recent years. There are many terminals compatible with wireless networks, and that offers us a wide range of possibilities.

However, the great boom also means that we are going to be more demanding with Wi-Fi or mobile data connections. Sometimes problems can arise that cause a loss of speed or signal quality. We will explain what are the leading causes, both when connecting to Wi-Fi and mobile data.

Why Wi-Fi is Slow on Mobile

Wi-Fi is present everywhere. We are not only talking about our home or workplace, but we are going to find the possibility of connecting to networks that are public in many places.

Connected to The Wrong Band

One of the main reasons that wireless connection via Wi-Fi goes wrong is because we are not connecting to the correct band. As we know, there is the possibility of connecting to the 5 GHz band and also to the 2.4 GHz band.

First, we can say that it is the one that offers more speed. However, keep in mind that it is more sensitive to distance and also to possible obstacles. It is ideal, therefore, if we are near the router.

The second is the best when we move away from the router. For example, it also maintains more speed if there are walls in the middle.

Weak Coverage

The loss of speed can be simply because the coverage is weak. Here it will not always depend on our device or even the distance to the router. The device itself may have problems and makes the coverage not the best.

It is important to check that everything works correctly, that the router is well configured, secure, and updated. In this way, we will rule out problems.

Network Saturation

Of course, the saturation of the Wi-Fi network is something that can affect our connection. It can especially happen in those public places where there are large crowds. This can cause a loss of speed without a doubt.

Slow Internet With Mobile Data

We have seen some main causes of Wi-Fi to go slow on mobile. Now we will also look at some that specifically affect connections through mobile data. A review of the main ones.

Weak Coverage or Inadequate Network

One of them is having weak coverage. It may be that the antenna is far away or that we are in an area where it does not go well. It could also happen that the network we connect to is not the best.

Keep in mind that connecting to 4G instead of 3G does not always mean that we will have a better connection and more speed. Sometimes the network does not go well, and it is saturated, etc.

Network Congestion

It is very common in large crowds. This is what happens, for example, in a concert with many people or a soccer match with thousands of people. The antennas are capable of X users, and in a short space, we are connected much more than that capacity.

Problems With the Operator

But another problem may be that the operator is simply offering us bad service. Sometimes they have failures, and that translates into poor speed or signal quality. This must be taken into account if the Internet speed on the mobile is not the best.

Common Failures

On the other hand, common failures can occur both to Wi-Fi and to the mobile network. In this case, we are talking, for example, that our mobile phone has malware. This could translate into a malfunction, loss of speed, etc.

It could also be that it is not updated correctly. This can lead to vulnerabilities and bugs that affect not only performance but also security. To always have the best speed when browsing the Internet with your mobile phone, it is advisable to install the latest patches and updates that are available.