Save Data When Using Facebook – Social networks are platforms widely used by Internet users. We have at our disposal a wide range of possibilities. Some of the most popular are Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In this article, we will focus on the first one(facebook). We are going to give a series of tips to save data when using this popular social network. We already know that today most of the connections are through mobile devices. That means that mobile data can be easily spent if we don’t take a few tips into account.

Mobile Devices, Increasingly Used

It is a reality that mobile devices are increasingly used to surf the net. A few years ago we could say that most of us used the computer to surf the net. That has changed in favor of mobiles, tablets, and other devices.

This means that we have to pull mobile data many times. It is a way to keep the connection anywhere as long as there is coverage. But normally our rate is limited. The use of applications that consume a lot of data, such as social networks, is a problem that puts our data rate at risk.

This can especially happen when we use programs like social networks, watch videos over the Internet, or download software. It is vital that we know which applications consume the most, and within them, we can take measures to save data and that they do not run out before the end of the month.

For this reason, in this article, we wanted to compile some important tips for using Facebook on mobile and saving data.

How to Save Data When Using Facebook on Mobile

In our hands, we have a series of steps and functions that we can use to save data when we use Facebook on mobile. We already know that making use of social networks on our devices is something very common, and that is present in our day today. However, it can also be a drag on our rate and see how it can run out in a matter of days if we don’t have control.

Use Facebook Settings

A first step that we can take into account is to use the Facebook settings. There we will find parameters that will allow us to save mobile data. An example is a possibility of choosing whether we want to upload HD images and videos or not. In this way, we will save data considerably.

The photos and videos are what occupy the most when using social networks. We carry a large amount of information, and that can weigh down our data rate, which is generally limited. If we can avoid uploading high-quality images or videos, we can save data.

Facebook Lite or Web Version

We can use the Facebook application on our mobile, but also make use of its Lite version or even the web version. These last two use less data than the generic app.

Basically, what we are going to do is use Facebook in a more limited way. We will not load all the functions, but we will still be able to continue using the basic aspects of this popular social network.

Activate Data Saving

Likewise, the Facebook application has a data saving option. This way, you will consume less when using the social network. This is something that we can apply to our mobile and thus save data. When we browse a Wi-Fi network, it will be automatically deactivated.

Make Use of Wi-Fi Networks

This is logical, but it should be recommended. Whenever we go to upload content to Facebook or any social network, the exciting thing would be to wait for a Wi-Fi connection. In this way, we will save data, since when uploading images or videos is when we are going to consume more data.

Therefore, an interesting tip is to use Wi-Fi networks when we are going to make intensive use of the social network, or we are going to carry out specific actions such as uploading an image or video.

Avoid Autoplay

There is nothing that consumes more data than watching a video on the Internet. Especially consumes if the quality is high. Therefore something exciting is to avoid the automatic reproduction of videos. Thus we can save enough data when using Facebook.