Today the vast majority of modern browsers have extensions. They are add-ons added to the browser itself and that offer different interesting functions. They are intended to facilitate some tasks, offer improvements in performance, security, and features. Especially if we talk about the most popular ones like Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, we can find a wide range of possibilities. However, there are some main aspects to consider when using extensions.

How to Use Extensions Correctly?

The fact of using extensions has many positive things. However, in the case of misuse, installing a tool that is not legitimate could lead to problems with Internet speed and the overall fluidity of the browser. Even our personal data and information could be in danger if necessary. Therefore, a series of tips should take into account.

Always Download From Original Sources

The first and most important thing is the source from where we download extensions. Like any other tool that we download from the Internet, it is important always to do it from stores and official pages. In this way, we assurance that the software we are installing is legitimate and has not been maliciously modified in any way.

Therefore, when we go to install extensions in Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox, the ideal is to go to their official stores and add this type of plugins there. Sometimes we may come across the possibility of downloading them from third party pages, external links, and other sites that will not always offer original software and that our team does not compromise.

Control the Number of Active Extensions

The number of extensions that we have active can affect the proper functioning of our equipment. It is important to control the extensions that we have installed and active. Having too many running can slow down your computer by consuming more resources.

In the same way, the fluidity of the browser could reduce due to this that we discussed. Everything will also depend on the equipment we have, so especially for those users who have limited systems, the number of active extensions can influence much more. Our advice is always to keep this in mind and, in case of problems, deactivate those that we do not use frequently.

Always Keep Them Updated

It is also very important that the extensions are always up to date. Sometimes vulnerabilities can arise, as in any system or application. These vulnerabilities can resolve through security patches released by the manufacturers themselves. In this way, they prevent potential cybercriminals from taking advantage of these failures.

Once again, our advice is to always update the extensions of the official page. We must avoid possible external links that invite us to update the software since it could be some type of attack that had the objective of introducing malware into the computer.

Pay Attention to the Permits they Ask for

To maintain privacy, it is important always to control what data and information we are giving. An example is in extensions. They could collect personal data that could be used for advertising purposes or to market with them.

We must control this. Luckily, both in Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, we can see the permissions that a certain extension has access to. If something doesn’t add up or we just don’t trust you, it’s best to uninstall that software. So we can preserve our privacy.

Security Tools, Keys

Having security programs and tools is crucial to prevent malware from entering your computer. There are many options for them. We can install antivirus, firewalls. But we also have a series of security extensions. This undoubtedly makes our browser safer and avoid problems when browsing.

It is one more option that we have at our disposal to put an extra barrier.

Check that they(Extensions) Really do Their Job

This may appear basic, but sometimes we can come across extensions that do not really fulfill what they promise or that even change their use. Therefore it is important to keep a check on this issue and see that they fulfill the function for which we have installed this software.

It is also interesting to consult comments and ratings from other users. In this way, we will know if the software that we are going to install really meets what we expect or has any problem that may compromise the proper functioning of the system and, ultimately, the browser.

In short, extensions represent a fundamental part of browsers today. There are many types of plugins, and they can help us improve navigation and have a wide range of possibilities. However, we must always take into account these aspects that we have discussed so as not to jeopardize the safety and proper functioning of the equipment.

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