7 Gaming Website Trends That Everyone Needs To Know

7 Gaming Website Trends That Everyone Needs To Know : The digital gaming market is growing. So much so that the US video game industry’s retail income hit $119 billion in March 2019. Furthermore, the market’s monthly selling income averaged $1.2 billion in the middle of April 2019 and March 2020.
As a consequence of the COVID-19 outbreak, more people are anticipated to stay at home. On the other hand, new trends in the game art is likely to reshape the gaming industry’s face. With this post, we hope to offer you a sense of where these trends are headed and how they will affect the market. These trends have brought customer satisfaction to the next level through added features of casual art and animation in the game.

Its technology is found in nearly every industry and household. Gaming is as lively as it’s ever been. You don’t want to be left out of the following wave. Whether you’re a gamer or not, it’s here to stay.

1. Streaming of video games

The gaming industry is no longer simply reliant on game sales. In truth, the industry’s job specialties aren’t confined to game development. It also includes game journalism. Everyone may now participate in game journalism thanks to digital channels. The most popular outlets for this are Twitch and YouTube.
In the first quarter of 2018, esports viewers spent 17.9 million hours on both channels watching game streams. After only a year, this increased. Twitch viewers watched more than 2.72 billion hours of live streaming in the second quarter of 2019. This accounts for 72.2 percent of all live hours, compared to 735.54 million on YouTube Live.
Professional game streamers, not professional players, are responsible for many of the streams. Live professional tournaments aren’t the only thing available on video streams. Walkthroughs and game testing are also quite popular.

2. Online casinos

Spin casinos are expected to grow in popularity in 2021 and beyond. Since a few lawyers made it known that playing casino games online is not illegal, the sector has grown tremendously in Canada. It has become a top source of entertainment for canadians.
Some of the most reputable online casinos in Canada, like spin casino Canada allow you to play for free. The idea is to make slot and card games more enjoyable for you.
On the other hand, the global expansion of mobile gaming has caught up with the iGaming industry. Almost every casino now offers a mobile app or allows mobile gambling via mobile browsers.

3. Color blocks and split displays

Limiting the amount of design elements helps to create clarity, but split screen design and the use of colour blocks can help even if there are just two main statements. Dividing the screen down the middle, for example, will aid prospective buyers in untangling messages of equal significance, while uneven splitting allows designers to give one message a slightly higher priority.
Color blocks—several square or rectangular sections—can be used to generate a similar effect. You might, for example, utilise two of the blocks for messaging (one with your value proposition and the other with a call to action) and the remaining blocks for engaging visuals that support your words.

4. The strength of nothing – white space

White space isn’t new in drawing attention to vital messaging, but it will be bigger and more prominent in 2020. This does not imply a return to minimalism, as the designs around white space will be bolder than ever.
(Of course, not every white space will be white; more designers will utilise different background colours.) More white space, as well as larger, bolder design and imagery, will offer the clarity in messaging that people instinctively respond to.

5. Motion that is interactive

Moving users’ attention to essential site features with animation and other forms of movement has been around for a long time, but web design in 2020 will push the edge with new and novel uses of motion, especially interactive ones. Look for everything from full-screen video headers and animations to micro-animation messaging activated by users hovering over photos.

6. Embracing the shadows

“Dark mode” design, particularly designs that allow users to engage in dark mode when and if they want, is another effective tool for clarifying messaging (notice that interactivity is a common theme in several of these trends). As a result, more prominent usage of white space will enhance messaging while also making the user experience clearer and more compelling.

7. Making it perfect despite flaws

A design error might be a deal breaker if done incorrectly, but if done correctly, it can give humanity and emotion to your ideas. A growing number of creative designers will be utilising design flaws for this exact goal.
Look for “imperfect” components such as hand-drawn symbols and images, as well as other “imperfect” aspects that make self-deprecating, even hilarious design a great tool for expressing your company’s humanity.
If you enjoyed this article, check out more content from guest author, Michelle Thomas. She is an expert in consumer technology and online gambling.


Change is the only constant in web design, but the changes that matter to your designs – the ones that acquire traction and stick – are the ones that clearly improve user experience by establishing clear, compelling, and intuitive interactions.
Knowing what those trends are necessitates conducting the necessary study about what works for the vast majority of designers, as well as continuously testing what is assisting your firm in achieving its primary marketing objectives on your own website.