Features of Good App Design – As any designer will tell you, the biggest difference between art and design is that design exists to fulfill a need that exists outside of itself. A map of the subway may be beautiful, but its ultimate purpose is to help you find the right route to your destination.

This is also true for app design. A good app helps users accomplish something, be that ordering a meal, tuning a guitar, or finding a date, and every aspect of the app’s design should be dedicated to furthering this specific goal.

If you have an idea for an app or are simply interested in learning more about the design principles behind your favorite apps, here are four more essential features of good app design.

1. The Right Technology and Platform

Every feature you engage with in your favorite apps is powered by particular software and technology that is in turn designed to work with a platform like iOS or Android. One of the first steps a developer will take is to determine what technology is best suited to making your app a reality.

Because you will want your app to be fully up-to-date, it’s a good idea to work with a mobile app company that can advise you on the latest technology to utilize in your app and help you find the right software platform for your launch.

2. Seamless UX

UX, or user experience, is an industry shorthand for the way an app or other program feels to users. In a crowded, competitive market, good UX is often the crucial difference between apps that succeed and apps that fail. Ironically, the best UX design is often invisible, in that it is so easy to use that users don’t even notice it.

3. Effective Monetization

Most apps are designed to make money, so one of the most important questions a designer will need to ask is how the app will generate revenue. Paid advertising, paid downloads, and freemium models are all popular was of monetizing an app, and in some cases an app will use more than one of these models by, for example, mixing paid advertising with a download fee.

4. Audience-Centred Design

Not every app needs to be the next Instagram or Uber, and sometimes a successful app can achieve great popularity by appealing to a particular group or niche. The key is to design apps centred around the needs of particular audiences or users.

For example, mobile app development companies in Canada may be able to create quite lucrative apps by targeting needs specific to Canadians — one great example of this is Poutinr, created by Montreal app developers to help hungry people find poutine shops in their area.

The trend toward local apps is so pronounced that Apple actually has an “apps near me” feature to help users find apps that could help them when travelling.

If you want your app to succeed, you need to make sure every aspect of the design furthers the ultimate purpose of the app itself. The good news is that even those who don’t have software design experience can enlist the help of app design companies to ensure there app offers a compelling, intuitive experience that helps bring their vision to life.

MORE INFO:- roboticstechn