When most people start their businesses, they also plan for a website. The primary question is, “What is the best platform?” That depends on how you want to structure your website. You can choose from several options, but one of the platforms that give you the most flexibility is WordPress. It’s also effortless to set up. Over five billion businesses use WordPress to power their websites.

Holden Watne, an IT services professional in Los Angeles, shares his findings with WordPress and why GenIX recommends the use of WordPress for their clients.

Easy to Set Up with Many Themes and PluginsWordPress-Plugins


When you choose WordPress, you have over 54,000 free plugins to choose. That means that you can customize your site in many different ways. Some of the plugins you can choose from include newsletters, calendars, a membership community, invoices and packing slips, monetization, customer service apps, pages, a blog app, and much more.

Additionally, WordPress works with over 6,800 free themes so you can choose your own from the available themes or you can use the platform’s page builders to create a unique page. WordPress also has photo galleries, sliders, and other features you can add to your website.

Because WordPress is an open-source platform, you can also change themes to include your brand’s colours, logo, and other brand identification elements. You do have to tell me how to use CSS to create a custom design, though WordPress makes it relatively easy.

Little to No Cost

The WordPress platform is free. But, you will need to register a domain name, which does cost. Domain names could cost as little as $3 if you hit a sale, or as much as hundreds or even thousands of dollars if you buy a domain name that someone is selling. However, most dotcom names are around $8 to $15. Don-net and dot-us names are often less expensive.

You will also need to buy hosting for your site. You can find various hosting offers that range from about $15 per month and up. In some cases, you can get a discount if you pay for a year at one time. Since you can easily change your hosting plan as your site grows, start with a hosting plan that is less expensive because it offers less bandwidth. However, make sure the hosting plan you choose supports WordPress sites and PHP. Many add on programs, such as forums, use PHP. You’ll also want to ensure your hosting site endorses some database creation, such as SQL.

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Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization, when done correctly, helps make others, including the search engines, find your website. WordPress gets more organic visits than other websites that use different platforms. One of WordPress’ plugins, Yoast, helps drive search traffic to your site. It also helps increase visitor engagement, whether a visitor comes from a search or social media. And, if you are already an SEO guru, WordPress allows you to optimize every element your site yourself.

Ecommerce Sites


If you have an eCommerce site, you can crank it up when you use WordPress. The platform works with WooCommerce, which is one of the world’s most popular eCommerce platforms. As with WordPress, WooCommerce has thousands of themes, plus it has add-ons and its ecosystem. Many eCommerce platforms limit products – not WooCommerce! You can even agree on how you want to list your products and services. You can even create your affiliate program without any restrictions.

Finally, you’re not limited to one or two payment processors. You can use any payment processor you want, including QuickPay, PayPal, Google Checkout, Bitcoin, Stripe, Payoneer, Authorize.net and more.

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Some platforms do not give you as much control as you would like. With WordPress, you retain full ownership and control of all of your content. You can download, backup, and even export all of your content, themes, your database, and the plugins you use. It makes it easier to change hosting services when your current hosting service can no longer meet your needs.

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Install WordPress Today

Get your site off to an excessive start by installing WordPress at your favourite hosting site. Look through the various themes and plugins that are available so that you can make your