What Effect Does Bitcoin Have on Google? – Bitcoin’s impact on Google is still relatively unknown, as the cryptocurrency continues to experience rapid growth and volatility. However, there are a few things that you can say about Bitcoin’s impact on the search engine giant. You can also use Bitcoin in your business.

The volume of Bitcoin queries on Google has increased in previous months. For example, in November 2017, there were just over 100,000 Bitcoin-related Google searches. Just two months later, in January 2018, that number had more than tripled to over 330,000.

This massive uptick in interest is likely due to the surging value of Bitcoin in recent months. As the price of Bitcoin has skyrocketed, more and more people have become interested in learning about it and investing in it.

Google has noted this increased interest and has been working to improve its coverage of Bitcoin-related information. For example, the firm started in January 2018 that Bitcoin pricing will be added to its economic data offerings.

This will allow users to track the price of Bitcoin alongside other major currencies, making it easier for them to invest in the cryptocurrency.

Google has also been working to improve its understanding of Bitcoin-related search queries. In December 2017, the company released a report on the most popular Bitcoin-related questions that people are asking.

This report provides insights into how people use Google to learn about Bitcoin and blockchain technology.

8 Ways How Bitcoin Affects Google

  1. Bitcoin is a deflationary currency, which positively impacts Google AdWords click-through rates (CTRs).
  2. Bitcoin users are more likely to make purchases online, leading to increased spending on Google Shopping.
  3. Conventional payment options, such as credit cards, have substantially higher processing costs than Bitcoin. This allows merchants to offer discounts to Bitcoin users, increasing their conversion rates.
  4. Bitcoin payments are irreversible, which reduces the number of chargebacks and frauds committed against Google merchants.
  5. The blockchain is a public ledger that can track Google advertisers’ and publishers’ spending.
  6. Bitcoin is a global currency, which opens up new opportunities for Google to expand its reach into new markets.
  7. The number of Bitcoin ATMs is overgrowing, providing more ways for people to buy and sell Bitcoin. This might result in a rise in Bitcoin users’ Google AdWords expenditure.
  8. Bitcoin is a digital currency, which opens up new opportunities for Google to experiment with new ad formats and payment methods.

8 Negatives of Bitcoin that Affects Google Ranking

  1. Bitcoin can be used for criminal activities such as money laundering and purchasing drugs and other illicit items on the dark web.
  2. Bitcoin’s price is highly volatile, which can cause uncertainty among users and lead to fluctuations in its Google ranking.
  3. Bitcoin is often associated with scams, which can damage its reputation and lead to a decrease in its Google ranking.
  4. The energy-intensive process of “mining” bitcoins can have a negative environmental impact, which could also affect its Google ranking.
  5. Bitcoin’s anonymous nature makes it a popular choice for criminals and tax evaders, which could lead to negative publicity that harms its Google ranking.
  6. Bitcoin is often used for illegal activities such as money laundering, purchasing drugs, and other illicit items on the dark web, leading to a negative association with bitcoin, impacting its Google ranking.
  7. Bitcoin’s price is highly volatile, which can cause uncertainty among users and lead to fluctuations in its Google ranking.
  8. Bitcoin is often associated with scams, which can damage its reputation and lead to a decrease in its Google ranking.

It’s important to note that these factors are constantly changing and evolving, so it’s hard to say precisely how they will affect bitcoin in the future.

Despite this, it’s clear that bitcoin is still a very new and experimental technology, and its ranking will likely continue to fluctuate as its popularity grows.


Google has a lot to gain from Bitcoin, and vice versa. The cryptocurrency’s popularity is overgrowing, and its effects can be seen in online markets such as Google AdWords and Google Shopping.

While there are some risks associated with bitcoin, its benefits are too great to ignore. As a result, businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve should start accepting bitcoin payments and using its associated tools, such as the blockchain, to increase their profits.