Promote Your Products And Services – Owning a business comes with a lot of work. You have to, of course, start with crafting the product. But, it doesn’t stop there, even if it’s the best product in the market.

What you need is to get your products to your customers, which also involves more work. You have to think about promotion and marketing and must consider promotion and marketing. You can do this by contacting a PR agency in Perth, which will assist you in developing and implementing unique marketing campaigns and advertisements. And also keep up your brand identity. Moreover, you have to maintain engagement with your existing customers and attract new ones.

It doesn’t matter as much if you have the best product in your industry. If your brand cannot penetrate the market, all your work will be a waste. If customers know nothing about you, then you’ll not get those conversion rates. Explaining that hiring an eCommerce digital marketing agency will help a business generate sales and recurring customers.

So, it’s not just about manufacturing the product. It’s also about how you present your product to the world. To do that, you must utilize many strategies at your disposal. Here are some of the most effective ways you can try to promote your products and services:

1. Utilize Text Blasts

The first one is using text blasts like Drop Cowboy Text Blast. Through text blasts, you can send SMS messages to multiple contact numbers easily.

Don’t worry because you’ll not send a message to many contact numbers. It’s a web-based text service that automates messaging systems, making it an effective way to reach your customers and heighten brand awareness and engagement.

Most probably, your customers want to connect with you through SMS messaging. Utilizing this will bring you one step closer to your consumers. This is great if you want to strengthen customer loyalty and enhance their experience. Plus, texting is one the best ways to contact people in a world where everyone’s always on the mobile phone.

The Right Time To Use Text Blast

Text blast will only be effective if you understand how to use it properly. Some of the most common uses for text blasts include:

  • Distribution Of Vouchers And Coupons: This is probably what customers are looking for when they decided to sign up for your text messaging: vouchers and coupons. No customer doesn’t like receiving coupons or some product vouchers. Using incentives like these is a great way to get your customers’ attention and have them look out for your brand.
  • Launching Of New Products And Services: While social media is continuing to grow, texting is still thriving. It remains to be the easiest way of communication. Use this to your advantage when talking to your customers, especially the most loyal ones. Reach out to them first whenever you have new releases. This lets your customers know that you prioritize them. Plus, most customers are more likely to buy a product when they receive text messages because they can easily read your messages. If you don’t want to disturb them with your text messages, you can also use ring less voicemail from companies like Drop Cowboy,allowing them to get to the messages when they’re ready to give you a feedback or answer.
  • Sales Promotions: Let your customers know whenever you have upcoming sales. You can try doing this with MMS. With this, you can add pictures or posters regarding your brand. However, not everybody has access to one. If your customers aren’t connected to the Internet, they’ll probably not see your messages. If they do receive these, most of the message will be blank or illegible. So do take note of this when you’re planning to add a media file to your messages.

2. Email Marketing

Aside from texting, communicate with your customers through email. Most of your customers will probably read your emails, too, because they subscribed to your subscription letter.

But, you have to understand that your customers don’t want to be bothered every time. Thus, you must follow the right way of email marketing.

Most consumers get frustrated when they get an email that they don’t want to see in the first place. This causes them to terminate subscriptions.

Losing your customers’ subscription means losing contact with them. So, you must do this the right way. Not to mention, email is probably the cheapest form of marketing, and it’s the easiest one to do. If you want to keep those subscriptions, you must communicate with the right type of customers.

This means that you cannot send email blasts to everyone on your list. You must look at your data and figure who is the right customer for every type of product or service you offer.

When it comes to dividing your subscriber lists, there are a few things you can look at:

  • Purchasing behavior
  • Engagement with previous promotions
  • Psychological demographics
  • Interests

Emails that are targeted are more likely to get you revenue than general ones.

If you have an e-commerce store, do think about modifying your abandoned cart emails. Don’t just show your customers what’s left in their cart. Instead, recommend other products that they might be interested in. Look at the product they left in the cart and base your recommendation from those.

Doing all of these ensures that you’ll be communicating to a more targeted audience. Only those who are interested will receive your emails. Therefore, you don’t run the risk of annoying your customers.

3. Make A Google Business Profile

Also, utilize Google My Business (GMB) in your marketing promotion. To do this, you first must have a Google Business Profile. Then post your products and services via GMB. From your GMB dashboard, go to the Posts tab.

There, you can start creating a post. It can either be an ‘Offer’ or a ‘What’s New post.’ Here are other ways to use GMB:

  • Use ‘Offer’: The Offer is compelling if you have a seasonal product deal. You can set a time frame for those. Take note that GMB lasts only for seven days, so you’ll need to keep reposting every week. Whichever type of post you decide to use, don’t forget to add pictures and a call-to-action to direct your customer on what to do next.
  • Add FAQs: There’s also an FAQs section in your GMB. In this section, you can add any additional information about your product or answer any questions you usually receive.
  • Fill Out All Sections: If you really want to utilize your GMB up to its full potential, fill out every tab. This includes the Posts, Photos, and FAQs section.
  • Read Guidelines And Optimize: You must also read the guidelines about the sizes of photos. Lastly, ensure that your listings are optimized to maximize views.

4. Blog Posts

Blog Posts


Most retailers don’t realize is that blogs are actually helpful in promoting products and services. You might be thinking that you cannot possibly create blog content. But, with enough practice, surely you can create something great. If you ‘re looking to create contents to bring more traffic to your site, then be aware of the following:

  • Showcase The Top Products From Your Store: Customers like it when they see a product that the brand believes to be effective and worthy. It’s even better if you talk about it in your blogs. Show some confidence in your products by mentioning them in a few blog articles. You’ll draw your customers to these items as you talk about how effective and functional your products are. Discuss how each product can improve your customers’ day-to-day experience. Presenting your product this way makes your products seem more useful.
  • Talk About Product Launches:You can blog about your new releases. Successful entrepreneurs know how to promote their new launches to customers. When they do so, they do it enthusiastically. Compose a quick product release story and share it on your blog whenever you have something new to offer. To avoid overdoing it, try combining a few product releases in one post. Moreover, you should extend your blog post’s reach by also sharing it on your social media accounts.
  • Include Tips And Tricks In Your Blog Posts: The reason you’re selling something is that you’re looking to add value to your customer’s life. You can apply this purpose when you’re writing content on your blog. A great way to do this is by giving some practical tips that your customers can apply in their lives. Just make sure that whatever tips and hacks you give them align with the product you’re selling.

5. Start A Podcast

Aside from blogs, you should also cater to people who are more into audio. Podcasts are a great way to engage with your customers through voice recordings. It’s also a great platform to promote your products and services. The Libsyn podcasting platform makes it easy to get started with their helpful guide.

If you have your own podcasts, then you’re already on the roll. Keep giving your listeners great content. However, don’t forget to talk about your products every once in a while. You can do this at the beginning and before your podcast ends so as not to overdo it.

When you make promotions, keep them short and sweet. If you take too long talking about a product, you’re making yourself sound desperate and too promotional. This might cause your listeners to just skip that part instead even if they’re your most loyal customers. Remember that the best way to sell is to not sound like you’re selling at all.

6. Host A Webinar Or An Online Presentation

Likewise, using webinars is the new standard and can be very effective when you’re trying to market your brand. Through this, you engage with your customers more deeply.

You can even use online presentations and webinars to collect your customers’ contact information for future communication, like emails or text blasts.

What you can do is invite your customers to an online hang-out and start a meeting. You can use this time to teach them something relevant to the product and service you’re offering.

Doing this gets you in front of rightful audiences. This way, they can gauge what you offer, and you can expect a return of sales in the end. Most customers who attend webinars like this tend to purchase at the end of every session. However, do make sure that you’re advertising to the right people if you want high-quality leads.

Effective webinars and presentations include introducing yourself as an authority figure on an attractive webinar landing page. Show them that you know what you’re talking about, so they end up taking you seriously. You do this by:

  • Educating them first.
  • Teaching them something that’s in relation to your product and service. Point out an existing problem they may be facing with their current regimen.
  • Showing them exactly how your product or service can help with their problem.

7. Use Google AdWords

There’s also a paid way to market your product or services. If you want to get listed when potential customers use the search engine, then try signing up for Google’s paid advertisement.

This can change how you do marketing instantly. Signing up for this will increase your visibility whenever a prospect does an organic search. It increases your rank in the list of searches as well.

However, this can be quite costly. As with the growing demand, the price for each click is getting higher. But, if it’s something you really want to do, then chunk out a monthly budget to keep all expenses under control.


Hence, market is becoming more saturated nowadays, penetrating it is getting even more difficult. That’s why you have to be smart about the marketing strategies you choose to promote your products and services.

Not all of them guarantee the same number of returns. Indeed, not all of them will benefit your business the same way. So, be careful when deciding which promotional technique to apply.

It’s best to use more than two or three of the marketing strategies above to ensure that you cater to various kinds of customers. But, of course, you should also do these the right way to be effective.