Ways To Manage Your Company’s Digital Assets – Digital assets consist of files created digitally or electronically, such as images, videos, documents, cryptocurrency tokens, slide presentations, scanned handwritten notes, design files, user accounts, and digital marketing content. These things exist as data stored and processed on a computer system or digital storage drive.

Because of paperless working, there’s an increased demand in digital assets. In addition, more cyber criminals are getting interested to penetrate business systems for their own good. So, how do you manage your company’s digital assets effectively?


In this article, you’ll learn some of the best ways to manage digital assets to avoid compromising them.

1. Consider Hiring Managed IT Services

Your company can take advantage of managed IT services or information technology handled by a reliable third-party provider. This way, your digital assets will be handled by real experts without conflict of interest.

A good managed IT services provider can perform comprehensive network audit, understanding your challenges, current situation, and your future goals. With this knowledge, they’re able to develop sound recommendations for your network improvement.

Check the following quick benefits of managed IT services:

  • Increase business operational efficiency
  • Enterprise-level support cost-effectiveness
  • Industry-leading problem resolution and monitoring
  • Minimize downtime
  • Improve business continuity
  • Provide all-year round support
  • Network solutions to future-proof business

2. Map Out Workflow

Business development and marketing teams should work to map out an effective and efficient workflow. They’re responsible for allocating appropriate user permissions and in defining levels of data access required. You can assign a data asset manager to manage digital assets.

In mapping out your data asset workflow, setting permissions is essential. You need to identify the people who can and can’t access your digital assets. The different approaches in assigning upload permissions include the following:

  • Upload Approval Required: Your team can set up an approval workflow to permit groups or individuals to upload, requiring the administrator’s approval. This way, the administrator can inspect the file information. The administration can approve, reject, or amend the upload.
  • No Approval Required: This permission allows users to upload digital assets without requiring approval. So, it means that the content data will appear on your system right away.
  • No Upload Permission: Authorized users can view the data library, but can’t upload assets.

Note: You can mix and match permissions to various user groups, such as advanced users (no approval required), general users (needs upload approval), and basic users (no data asset upload permission).

3. Use A Data Management System

Using a digital asset management system (DAM) refers to a content hub an entire company or organization can access. You can keep all of your digital assets in one place that’s accessible to your all employees by using a DAM system, a powerful data source that offers valuable insights.

Here are the ways DAM software can help you manage your digital assets:

  • Streamline Content Creation: Manage your digital asset and internal processes smoothly by using a reliable DAM system, streamlining content creation to approved users.
  • Good Collaboration Across Teams: The enhanced user permissions of a DAM system allow you to grant users inside and outside of your company access, promoting collaboration.
  • Strategically Organize Your Assets: You can categorize your digital assets to provide better searchability and user experience. You can archive old files, messages, and sales that aren’t relevant to your company to increase brand recognition and better brand management.

4. Update Your Business System

When was the last time you had a system update?  Whether you have a small company or a corporation, it’s important to update your business tools and systems regularly to protect your digital assets. With managed IT services, experts can help ensure that your business software program is secure, reliable, and up-to-date.

5. Train Your Employees

Your employees may be knowledgeable and skilled in what they do every day. But, you also need to ensure that they’re up for innovative technological changes, such as when you’re adopting or shifting to a new system, like cloud technology.

You can train your employees through e-learning or online learning. The service provider can offer discounted or free training to your employees, too. If your employees are abreast with the latest trends in managing digital assets, then you can rely on them in doing their key responsibilities in the future.


Your digital assets should be available whenever you need them. But, they should also be safe from breach and unscrupulous activities from users.  A proven digital asset management system with the help of managed software development services can help reduce, or even remove this risk. With data asset management system, you can handle your digital assets more effectively.