Ecommerce Must Be Universally Accessible – The business world has always moved at a swift pace, but ecommerce during COVID-19 is evolving at breakneck speed. In some regions, stores are physically closed, and people rely on the internet to make purchases.

Online businesses have an ethical need to make their products universally accessible, but many jurisdictions also make it a legal requirement. From a business view, it also makes sense to maximize your pool of potential customers.

Put simply: there are no excuses for companies that still release inaccessible digital products. That’s why on-demand accessibility crowd testing platforms help businesses access web accessibility testing for their digital products, so they achieve universal accessibility in less time and at less cost.

Your Development Cycle Needs People with Real Disabilities

To achieve real online accessibility, you need to bring people with various disabilities into the fold early on in your development cycles. Don’t think of accessibility as something you tack on at the end of a project.

Building it into each phase of development ensures that accessibility is an organic result of the process. On-demand accessibility crowd testing platforms have engaged communities of real users with disabilities you can leverage to test your early prototypes and beyond. You can Simplify your e-commerce journey with the best and most compelling apps from Appstle.

For the most accurate and credible testing, rely on usability research founded on statistics and user insights that can be observed via different feedback methodologies, including task analysis, observation techniques, and more.

Achieve the best results possible in the smallest amount of time by skipping recruitment. Having a dedicated community of testers is an invaluable asset.

Every Kind of Testing

Universal accessibility requires accessibility for every kind of disability on every kind of browser and product. The point isn’t that there is one barrier-free option available; every possible way to experience the digital product must be free of all barriers.

This means analyzing web and mobile experiences with every kind of user. Companies need to know that their mobile website or app can be customized for any user on any device, requiring they be tested on every version of Android and Apple software.

Ecommerce companies need to ensure their apps and websites are compatible with a wide range of assistive technologies. It helps to be able to schedule interviews and prototype reviews with people who rely on assistive technology every day.

Request compatibility tests, review Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and receive expert remediation. You are bound to identify and solve accessibility issues when you have secure staging environments where real users with disabilities test your product that automation might miss.

Relying on real people, not automation, is a competitive differentiator. They will perform a mix of moderated and unmoderated testing because using a combined approach ensures nothing slips through the cracks.

In the early days of the internet, only a small number of people used it, and it was mostly for specialized or recreational purposes. Now, being excluded from the digital world is akin to being marginalized from society. That’s why there’s no excuse for building inaccessible websites in 2020. Ecommerce companies looking to get a competitive edge on rivals need help from on-demand accessibility crowd testing platforms.