Since we have lived in this confined situation, our habits have changed. People are increasingly looking for more information about the coronavirus, although not all that can be found is true. This has caused the multiplication of scams(online fraud) and cyber attacks. Among those threats, many pages have been created to promote donations that go nowhere.

In all this time, the activity of e-commerce has increased between 20 and 55% since the beginning of the crisis. The sectors that have grown the most have been food, sports, and pharmacy. To avoid falling into scams, the Biocryptogy company has published a series of recommendations that can be very useful to us.

If Buying Online for the First Time, Use Familiar Pages

Find comments from other consumers about the company, find out about its return policy, delivery time, shipping costs, and check that it leads to a secure page to make the payment.

Using Websites with Encryption

These SSL helps protect the most confidential information of the attendees, as is the case with credit cards. It is important to differentiate the pages that use encryption (identified with a closed padlock in the browser) from those that do not (open padlock). Beware of websites that do not encrypt information and never include sensitive data. because that may lead to online fraud

Check Emails

During these days, an avalanche of emails from e-commerce, apps, banks, insurance, etc. are received. Offering prizes, winnings, or job offers during confinement. It is very important to check the authorship of the same and exercise extreme caution when sending emails from companies or people who do not know each other. On many occasions, behind an easy profit, there is usually a hidden scam(online fraud).


Theft of credentials for identity theft is one of the most widespread crimes on the net. To avoid this, make sure that the emails that are open correspond to the official sites from which you write. The phishing It hides in pages and emails that appear to be from the company itself and, in reality, are from a third party that simulates their appearance.

Sometimes it is very difficult to spot because the scammers use brand logos, a similar language, and a more or less coherent message. Check that the email does not have grammatical errors, that the email addresses or links lead to the official page of the company, and not to a similar one, that they do not contain suspicious files or that they demand an immediate or urgent response. Be suspicious if they ask again for information that they should already know.

Protect Web Identification Credentials (Username and Password)

A clear danger alert is that someone wants the password to be sent for whatever reason, even if it seems reasonable. The access data to any service is personal and secret, and no one should require it. Identification systems that use the biometrics of people (fingerprint, face, or iris), such as Biocryptology, can help in this regard, by avoiding identity theft.

Go Directly to Companies

Companies usually have telephone services, official consultation email addresses, and online chats. If you doubt the veracity of the message, confirm it with the official provider.

The Credit Cards

They are another source of permanent risk. It will shortly improve security by imposing an obligation on entities to use Enhanced Client Authentication (SCA) systems. In the meantime and as a general rule. You must follow the recommendations of the issuing entity and make sure to enter the data only on secure pages.

Social Networks

Social networks are becoming more e-commerce. Through them, you can buy products. It is important to pay safely and take a series of precautions. For example, make sure not to leave the card details stored in the profiles, as someone could access them and buy products.

Extreme Security

Personal and bank passwords should not be sent to anyone by email, WhatsApp, or other online systems. If you need to give personal data to a store or a friend, it is best to do it by phone.

Avoid Spreading a Message Without Previously Contrasting

The desire to help makes people vulnerable because they let their guard down. It is important to stop the chain of spreading lies, fraud, or false job opportunities like the ones that are coming through WhatsApp. The best way to find out is to go to official sources and the media. The spread of lies and hoaxes contributes to increased tension.

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