Tips For Starting A Small Business That You Haven’t Heard – With millions of businesses being started in the USA every year, there is no doubt that running a business is a popular way for people to make a living. It gives them full control over their lives, lets them be their own boss and work when they want.

Unfortunately, while a popular choice, starting a business is far from easy. In fact, 20% of businesses will fail in their first year. And as much as 50% won’t survive past five years. There is also a lot of work and Creative planning with Adobe involved.

Thankfully, there are some things you can do when starting out to give yourself a better chance of having a successful launch. Read on to check out our 10 underrated tips for starting a small business that you may not have heard.

Fine-Tune Your Products Before Launch

One of the most important tips to keep in mind when starting a business is to take time to fine-tune your products before launch. You want your products to be impressive and get some good press upon release. Take time to work through some prototypes and test everything beforehand.

Another great way to ensure the products are quality is by trusting a professional service to manufacture them. For example, if your company is going to sell laser cut MDF products like jewelry, art or wedding decor, working with a company like Ponoko can ensure they come out high-quality. You need to pay for things like materials, custom packaging, your staff, office space, software, marketing and several others.

Now, all of this doesn’t mean you can’t release your products unless they’re perfect. However, many companies rush their products out to the market as quickly as possible. While this can be effective in some cases, other times it can lead to a bad launch where customers are unhappy with the quality of your offering. Also, rushing things doesn’t always give you a chance to test as much as you should.

Know Your Costs

Running a business can be expensive. You need to pay for things like materials, your staff, office space, software, marketing and several others. If you want to have the best chance at a successful business, you need to know your costs.

While it is tough to know your exact costs ahead of time it is important to try your best. Go over the things you may need, and do some research on what they will generally cost you. If you don’t at least have an idea of what your costs may be ahead of time, you may end up getting quite the surprise when you start.

Infographic created by Clover Network, a card processing company

Listen to the Advice of Others

Listen to the Advice of Others - Starting A Small Business


Another tip you should keep in mind is to listen to the advice of others. While you may always think you know best, this will not always be the case. Take all the guidance you can from your peers, and don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice if you need it.

This not only goes for other experts or business owners in your space, but also your family and friends. You want to be as much of a sponge as possible. Keep notes of things that are important and don’t ignore the thoughts or guidance of someone simply because of who they are or what they do.

Solve, Not Sell

When many people have an idea for a business, they think of what type of product they want to sell. However, the first thing you should actually think about what problem your product or business will solve. Your goal should be to find a hole in a niche, and fill it in a way that makes sense for the customers.

If you can be a solution to a common problem, it can be much easier to not only find customers, but also demonstrate or talk about the merits of your business. If you can’t find a hole in your chosen niche, ensure your product improves upon the offering of another company. The product you sell is important, sure, but many business owners simply don’t spend enough time thinking about the problems they want it to solve.

Earn Money While You Get Your Business Off the Ground

When you first start out with a business, you won’t immediately go to making a lot of money. It could be difficult to make ends meet and cover the operating costs associated with the business. While you could borrow money or take on investors, it is a better idea to bootstrap the business if possible.

In the early days, it is wise to continue working your job while you work on the business on the side. A successful business is a process and making a gradual change from working full time to being an entrepreneur is often better than quitting and then having no money coming in while getting the company up off the ground.

Be Aware of Any Permits or Other Legal Requirements

Depending on where you are and the nature of your business, there could be some legal requirements to running a business. If you are not aware of these or don’t abide by them, you could find yourself dealing with penalties or fines.

Before you actually take your business live, be sure to perform adequate research on what you need to handle in the legal department. Do some searching online, but also consider speaking to other business owners or experts in your area.

Know Your Competition

With so many new businesses being started every year, there are very few niches where there isn’t at least a bit of competition. While you are obviously competing with these companies, they can also be very helpful for your business, thanks to competitive research.

Doing this research on your competition can tell you more about how they sell, how they market, and the quality of products or services they offer. This information can help you judge the quality of what you have to offer, and help you find ways to improve their overall approach.

Of course, never steal anything from another company, but there is nothing wrong with using some methods or tactics as inspiration.

Learn From Your Mistakes

No matter how wise or passionate you are as an operator, you are bound to make at least a few mistakes. Many entrepreneurs let these mistakes define them and dwell on them for far too long. Of course, many others also disregard them completely and immediately forget about them.

Instead of either of those, make sure you do all you can to learn from your various mistakes. Go over what happened (and why), and how you could have done things better. Once you have learned from your mistake and armed yourself with better knowledge or expertise for the future, move on from the mistake.

Keep it Simple, At Least Initially

Oftentimes, business owners will try to do too much too quickly. Many let their head fill up with a variety of ideas and plans that can end up overcomplicating things. Keep your focus relatively narrow and cut out anything that is confusing or unnecessary.

Not only can doing too much be complicated and allow you to lose track of what really matters, it can also be expensive and take a considerable amount of work. After a while, if things are going well and you can handle an expansion, consider adding a few different things into the fold.

Don’t Forget to Share Your New Business With the World

A part of starting a new business that can be challenging for some is to market it and spread the word about it. Some people may worry about what others may say, or are worried about not getting customers. However, you just need to take the plunge and do it.

Customers aren’t likely to come find you, you need to go out and get them. This may be out of your comfort zone, but it is very important if you want the best results for your business. Use social media, tell friends and family and ensure as many people know about your business or product as possible.

Starting a business isn’t easy, but we hope that these underrated tips have been able to help. Whether you use all of them, or only a few, they should help you get your business started on the right foot.