Electronic commerce has gained a lot of weight in recent years. More and more users buy all kinds of products through the Internet. We have at our disposal a wide(large) range of possibilities, with many pages, services, and platforms where we can make our purchases. Now, this can also be a problem if we make some mistakes and don’t take precautions. So in this article(post), we are going to give some advice. We will explain what mistakes we can make when buying online(shopping online), and that may put our security at risk.

The Great Boom of Electronic Commerce

Currently, buying online(shopping online) is very common for users. There are many options that we have. We can buy from the computer, mobile or any compatible device. This makes it possible to purchase products 24 hours a day from home or from anywhere.

There are more and more platforms on the net to be able to buy. Many companies that traditionally had physical stores are now opening a market through the network. Logically this also means that they can reach more users. After all, the Internet is a global market.

But of course, the rise of electronic commerce(buying online) also brings with it some problems in the form of security. Hackers set their sights on what is hosting the most users. Hence, sometimes we can suffer some type of attack or have problems when we go to buy a product.

Errors when buying online

Sometimes users make mistakes when shopping online. Some clueless users may end up purchasing a product that is not really what they expected. There may be misleading offers that seem real, but it is actually a hoax. So you always have to be very alert.

Trust any Offer or Discount

One of the main mistakes when buying online is trusting any offer or discount that comes to us through social networks, email, or instant messaging platforms. It is very common that we receive coupons of supposed discounts where we have to register or give some type of data.

These discounts can actually be a trap. They may simply want to collect our data, be spamming, or be redirected to a page controlled by hackers to steal our data.

Platforms to Buy Without Encryption

Without a doubt, it is another of the most important problems. There are many services and platforms on the Internet that are still unencrypted today. This is a problem for our privacy and security, but even more so if it is a place where we are going to make a purchase. This means that we have to fill out a form and send a payment.

Our advice is to never buy through platforms that are not encrypted. This also applies to make purchases from public wireless networks. We may compromise our information.

Entering Pages from Third Party Sites

Sometimes we may receive a link to make a purchase. A link that comes to us by email to enter a certain page. We may also see that link on a third party site. Is this safe?

The reality is that entering the platforms from third-party sites could be a risk. We could be accessing a link controlled by cybercriminals. This could put our personal information at risk.

Don’t See Reviews

When we go shopping online, it is important to take a good look at the reviews. Especially, this will be the case if we are going to buy a new product, something that we have never purchased or from an unknown seller.

It is important that we see how other users have fared if they have had problems or the general assessment given to that seller or product. In this way, we will avoid unpleasant surprises and fall into possible traps.

Do not See the Conditions or Specifications

This is something that can happen many times. Many products are offered on online shopping platforms that pretend to be legitimate, original, but actually a copy.

It usually occurs mainly in electronic devices. They are physically very similar, with the name almost the same, but in reality, it is a product of much lower quality. You have to observe very well the specifications it has and the purchase conditions. That way we won’t have problems, and they won’t sell us a product that we don’t really want.

In short, these are some of the main traps that we can find when browsing the Internet. We have seen that we can compromise our data if we do not take action.

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