How to Market Your Financial App? – Managing finances can go one of two ways. You either run a tight ship and can account for every penny that comes in or out, or you find yourself floundering at the end of every month trying to figure out where your money went. If you happen to fall into the latter category, you may have decided to create an app that helps others keep track of their money. However, you might not know how to market it and gain the right exposure.

Spread the Word

Word of mouth is the best kind of publicity. Let family, friends and colleagues know what you’re doing and ask them to be the beta testers. You’ll gain valuable insight into what works and what doesn’t work the app. You’ll also gain a lot of free foot traffic simply by letting others test it out first. From there, you can offer incentives for anyone who shares your app with others. You can begin to network with other financial gurus to get their opinion as well in order to continue to grow.

Start a Blog

Even though it’s best to start prior to your launch date, it’s never too late to get writing on your own. Create a blog that’s dedicated to helping people save money, even when they think they can’t. Be sure to use keywords and long-tail phrases that rank high on Google so you can create visibility with your site. If you’re not sure where to start, you can use a guide, like the ones on Ghost. Ghost is a content management system designed for bloggers that help keep your content organized. There are also how-to posts on how to write high-performing content.

Learn Mobile Marketing

Mobile apps require a specific type of marketing, specifically mobile marketing. If you’re not familiar with it, now’s the time to learn. By targeting users ok their mobile devices, you’re more likely to pique their interest and have them download your app. If some are already have in their phone, it’s easier to entice them there than to try and get them to grab their phone if you use traditional marketing strategies.

Build a Social Media Presence

Financial tips are one of the most searched terms online. So, even if you’re in the early stages of development, you need to create a social media buzz. Create a social media presence on multiple channels. Financial experts usually do well on YouTube or LinkedIn, however, TikTok has become the platform of choice. Create content entertains and educates at the same time. Make sure your content addresses some of the most commonly asked financial issues, like paying for college or saving for a new home.

Create a Budget

It might sound odd, but you also need to stick to a budget for yourself. Marketing on multiple channels can be expensive, so make sure you stick to a budget. Decide on an amount you’re comfortable with and don’t go over it. If your ROI falls short, at least you know you’re not wasting ad spend on something that doesn’t work.