Select the Right Magento Implementation Partner – The number of people doing online shopping is escalating. As a result, many entrepreneurs are starting up e-commerce stores to push their sales and join the global online stores’ community. However, building an online store is no easy task, and this is where Magento comes into play. It has numerous themes and customization options, and its partners are well trained to do more than build an online store.

Why you need a Magneto Implementation Partner?

To maintain a highly competitive business, you need to be up–to–date with the current market trends and use all the available technology to your advantage. It’s not an easy task, which is why you need a Magento partner to walk with you. Such a partner should be highly experienced and work with the technical team to offer you; The various features that make it so reliable include global selling, optimized for mobile shopping, instant purchase, video options available for customization, and more.

Business skills

Getting the set of skills you require for your project can be a hassle. However, with a Magento hosting partner, you are presented with the right skills to see through any project or business plan. They are your assistance.


With an experienced Magento partner, you can get through any tough decision making because he is skilled and experienced to offer guidance. They answer your questions and help you make sense of difficult business times and figure out strategies.

Quality delivery

Once you get your Magento partner, you can be sure they will deliver quality as they are goal-oriented, and with experience in the same field, they stay focused on the course and beat those deadlines. They will improve the overall functionality of your business.

What to look for when selecting the right Magneto Implementation Partner

Now that you know the benefits of a Magento Partner, you can proceed to finding and hiring one. However, this is not an easy step, and you will need to;

1. Have a checklist

With a checklist, write down all the main reasons you need an implementation partner. Ask yourself what you need. It could be; to build and design your online store, customize it, or host an e-commerce store.

2. Be familiar with the different implementations partners

Once you have worked out what you need from an implementation partner, the next step is to understand the various Magento partners. On average, 3 Magento partners are;

  • Magento Solution Partners; these are the website designers, system integrators, and e-commerce experts you need to build and design your online store.
  • Magento Industry Partners helps you customize your online store by creating the right applications that best fit your required objectives.
  • Magento Hosted Partners helps you host your online store with cloud services; no need for IT investments.

3. Search for a partner

There are numerous diversified implementation partners all over. The right partner has a Magento certification for having undergone training and has access to the required tools. You can find one through the partner directory on the Magento website.

4.     Have a plan

Before you considered hiring a Magento hosting partner, you might have had a plan or list of what you want for your business. This is what the partner will work with. If you do not have one, they will help you develop a plan after hiring the implementation partner.

5. Ask the right questions

To get the best consultant that matches your goal, you need to have the right set of questions in mind. You could ask them;

  • How complex are your engagements?
  • Do you have previous successful projects?
  • As your customer, what kind of insurance and testing will you offer me?
  • How qualified are your technical staff and other questions?
  • Regarding your past experiences, what services do you offer?

With such a list, you can get the partner that fits your criteria. Do not restrict yourself to a particular partner; interview several of them.

6. Think beyond

It is not just about the present needs and the future; that is why you need a partner that sees beyond. They should understand your need for back-end applications that have been integrated to run your multi-channel environment effectively.

7. Chose an open-minded partner

Lastly, when choosing your implementation partner, go for one who does more, one who will design and build your online store, customize it, and use the available cloud services for e-commerce hosting.


Always ask the right questions and understand your business’s needs when hiring an implementation partner and think beyond. The right partner should be the assistance and guide in your business.