Learning from Home – The COVID-19 crisis halted classes at many universities and higher learning institutions when campuses closed at the beginning of the year.

Furthermore, aside from physical study programs, other vital activities take place in these schools. On top of that list is academic research. Although many universities and colleges had developed risk management and remote communication strategies before the pandemic, school closure created a significant limitation in the learning procedures. The institutions had to decide which programs could continue remotely and which ones had to stagnate.

Most education research programs had to take a massive blow because of the challenges involved with learning from home and the requirements of academic research.

Here are the negative impacts of learning from home for research students.

Inadequate Research Material

Research students from the world over require reading materials to master the concepts of their research topics. They depend on the lessons they get from their lecturers and the books they read to develop theoretical solutions to common problems.

Whereas the internet is not short of resource materials, most academic research requires information closer to the students’ geographical location. Lecturers provide or require solutions to problems that affect the community in real-time. That is why they recommend reference journals, textbooks, and other information sources that targeted the students’ environment.

Sadly, finding these resources is not as easy as getting your assignment done at homeworkdoer. The internet provides a heated pool of general data collected over many years and from vast locations. The best place to find these resources is from the school library. Hence, research students have to wait until institutions reopen for them to complete their projects adequately.

Scientific Findings Limitations

Aspiring scientists conducting research are some of the hardest-hit students in the world. Unlike other disciplines, scientific research involves repeated tests, experimentation, and analysis. Lockdown measures and closing institutions hinder all these activities when students don’t have access to a laboratory or lab equipment.

Furthermore, some scientific research requires students to observe specimens and material continually and record findings progressively over long periods to come up with deductions. Research projects of this nature had to get cut short, and students will have to start them afresh when they resume their studies because they can’t do them at home.

Travel Restrictions

Certain studies require research students to travel to the area of interest to collect data on the item and location of interest. Such tasks may include; climatic and weather patterns, animal behavior, health, and socioeconomic progressions, and many others.

These studies were put on a standstill because research students are restricted from traveling, and they cannot collect data from anywhere apart from the ground.

Travel restrictions have also altered international students’ programs. International students account for a large percentage of researchers all over the world.

Social and Economic Challenges

It is right to say Covid-19 has significantly impacted all students. However, it has not affected all students in the same way. Some students have characteristics that make them disproportionally impacted. Students with low socioeconomic status may live in inadequate housing structures with limited access to the internet and still need to work the same way as their well-off counterparts.

Others return to multigenerational homes with no boundaries to allow them to study space. Worse there are cultures where female students will be subjected to domestic workloads like child care responsibilities when they get home.


Another critical impact of learning from home is that research students don’t have access to the institution or government funding necessary. Programs that had already received funding approval also face uncertainties because they are unsure whether the projects will still get support or be scrapped off because of the abrupt halt due to the lockdown

After realizing all the impacts learning from home has to research students, programs, and institutions, the critical question is what measures the government and educational institutions take to ensure continuity of ongoing projects in case of a similar outbreak in the future?

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