With all the news about hacking, government surveillance, bank data theft, card cloning, etc. it is worth asking whether our personal data is actually safe while surfing the Internet.

Currently, most of our family members have a laptop, a smartphone, or some device that allows them to surf the Internet. In addition, the use of social networks, for example, has increased exponentially.

For example, Facebook already reports 1.87 billion active users every month. With so many opportunities to interact, share information, and our own personal data, the risk of it falling into the wrong hands is pretty high.

Is Your Security Guaranteed at All Times?

The answers: NO.
Your data is not 100% secure on the Internet, especially if you have never taken precautions to protect your information.

The reason? There is an organized crime network that is so lucrative that criminals will not stop stealing data soon. Every time you share your information online, there is a chance that someone is watching. It may be through malware, or that the company you are buying items from online sells your data to third parties, or that you could be scammed by “buying” an item that does not exist. The opportunities are infinite, and the risk is very real.

Preventions to Protect Your Data

Not everything is lost. It is possible to continue enjoying everything you love to do on the Internet. But it is very important to pay attention to your safety and avoid online dangers. Some tips to keep your information as safe(Data is Safe on the Internet) as possible are.

Make constant updates to the software of your computers and electronic equipment. Allow your team to perform automatic updates to facilitate this process.
Protect your home Wi-Fi connection with a password.

Turn off your computer when you’re not using it because leaving it on allows attackers to install software remotely.

Use a firewall to block dangerous programs like spyware and viruses.

Check the privacy settings of all the apps and social media accounts you use.

Lock your Smartphone and your tablet using complicated passwords that do not refer to your personal data, such as your birthday, for example.
Share information about risks and how to protect yourself with your whole family, so that no electronic device is unprotect.

How to Know if Our Data is on Illegal Internet Sites?

If you have doubts about whether your personal data or those of your family, could circulate in insecure or illegal Internet sites, and henceforth, be aware if any of them could be compromised.

A good option is to contract the services of a provider that it scans your data to locate if any of them circulates on the Internet exposed to the eyes of possible criminals or criminals.

OwlDetect, for example, monitors, detects, and alerts you in the event that any of your personal data registered in this service could remain found in the deep Internet (Dark Web) or on non-indexed websites, which may have fallen into the wrong hands.

In this way, you can react and take the necessary measures to protect your identity and your financial interests.

Surfing the Internet has countless benefits that we would never give up. However, it is important to pay attention to the risks that exist, to be continuously inform, and to create strategies to be protect; so you can enjoy all its benefits and be safe at the same time.