Today it is very common for us to use wireless networks to surf the Internet. If we look back, not too many years ago, we can say that we only connected through a wired computer. That has changed. Today, mainly thanks to the rise of mobile devices, we use wireless connections much more. Improved Wi-Fi quality has also played a role. But this fact can bring problems, such as security if we do not take measures or the fact of consuming more energy. For this reason, In this article, we are going to give some tips to save battery when connecting via Wi-Fi with your laptop and mobile.

How to Save Battery When Connecting Via Wi-Fi on the Laptop?

Laptops have the option to connect to us both wirelessly and by cable. However, today we can say that most of us connect through Wi-Fi unless we are next to the router. Even more so, when we have, it disconnected from the current, and it means that we can move from one place to another.

Therefore, it is worth considering some tips if we do not want the battery to melt quickly. Some basic tricks can make it last a little longer, and we can finish our work. Let’s explain to them.

Use the 2.4 GHz Band

As we know, modern routers allow us to connect through the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. There are differences, and each one is recommended depending on the circumstances. Basically, we can say that the first one offers more stability, but less speed; The second offers higher speed, but as long as we are close to the router and in exchange for having less stability as we move away.

But if we talk about power consumption, the 2.4 GHz band spends less. It is a suggestion to avoid the 5 GHz band when we connect wirelessly with our laptop. It is not that we notice an enormous saving, but without a doubt, that all sum helps.

Watch Apps That Spend the Internet in the Background

It should be noted that those applications are running in the background and using the Internet connection. This causes us to consume more energy. It is exciting to take a look at what programs are connected to the network, and in case they are expendable, we block them.

Especially programs that come with the operating system and others that are continually synchronizing data may require an active connection. They could even slow down the Internet.

Turn off Wi-Fi if PC(Laptop) is Idle

We can configure our operating system to disconnect Wi-Fi if, for example, the screen is off or we haven’t used the computer for a while. Let’s take as an example that we have gone out to eat, but we have the computer on. The Internet is normal that we do not need it, and it is consuming battery.

Choosing a Stable Network

Another interesting tip to save energy when connecting via Wi-Fi on the laptop is to choose a stable network. If we connect to a network that is far away or that the signal is very weak, we are forcing the computer to connect to the best option always. It does not stop searching for networks.

Therefore, the good idea is to choose the most stable network we have. Thus we will save battery.

How to Save Battery When we Connect Via Wi-Fi on the Mobile?

We can also save battery when we connect via Wi-Fi from the mobile. Something that is increasingly present among users. It is very common to navigate from the phone today.

Keep in mind that part of the tips we have selected above are also compatible with mobile. For example, connecting to 2.4 GHz networks or choosing those that are more stable.

Disconnect the Mobile Network

Something we can do to save battery when connecting via Wi-Fi on the mobile is to disconnect the mobile network. At that moment, we do not need to have the Internet through our data rate. Therefore, it does not need to be activated. This will save battery.

The same would happen if we are going to disconnect from the Wi-Fi network, and we do not want it to continue searching for networks.

Block Updates

Another essential thing is to block updates. Normally, the mobile seeks to update the programs or the operating system itself when we connect via Wi-Fi. But of course, this logically causes higher battery consumption.

The good idea is to block automatic updates and avoid consuming more energy than necessary.

Lower the Resolution of the Videos

Nowadays, it is very common to watch series or movies via mobile connected to the Internet. However, the quality of the video that we choose is going to be decisive for energy consumption. Our advice is to reduce the quality of the videos if we want to save battery on the mobile.

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