How to Improve your Resume with Tech Skills? – The job market is more competitive than ever, but many businesses are increasingly desperate for a wide range of tech skills. When big and small brands alike want new recruits to hit the ground running on day one, the more you understand those sought-after technology-based skills, the more that your resume will stand out. It can take time and some training if you want to master the following skills but knowing how to make improved use of the latest cutting-edge tech can be a career game-changer. If you are looking for ways to improve your resume, then these tech skills are where you should be focusing on.

Big Data

These days if a business is not making use of Big Data, then there is a good chance that it is already falling behind its competitors. All industries are calling out for employees who have even a basic understanding of data, including how to collect it and how to get results from it. Some popular data engineering courses can give you a more practical education about this vital tech resource. However, you may also want to look at additional elements of data engineering such as database design, modeling, and how to perform a needs analysis. Put simply, the more that you can learn about big data the more valuable you will become to a potential employer.

Learning to Code

It should not be news that employers are looking for recruits who can code and can program. While there has been an explosion on the online job boards for dedicated coding roles, even unrelated career paths can achieve a resume boost with some coding skills. An employer will tend to spend more time considering a hire if the applicant also has coding on their resume. Even if the jobs that you are applying for make no mention of coding, you will find that it has applications in the following roles:

  • Customer support
  • Maintenance
  • Security
  • Human resources

So whatever kind of position you are applying for, learn some of the basics about multiple programming languages and your resume will be significantly stronger.

Social Media and Digital Marketing

Do not just add ‘very good with Facebook’ on your resume, as this is not going to look good. However, if you do have more in-depth experience using social media, or even one specific platform, then you can find that it will make you more appealing to recruiters. Social media management can be a very technical and high-pressure job role, so the more that you can learn about each platform the better. All branches of SEO are extremely high value to modern businesses, so it is worth learning some of the basics before focusing on a specific area. If the jobs that you are applying for are focused on some form of communication, then learning more about digital marketing could be critical.

These are the most sought-after skills that employers are looking for, but they are not your only options. Other skill sets like an understating of cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, or even virtual reality are all worth taking a closer look at. Cybersecurity training can open paths to many new career opportunities. The more that you can develop those skills, the more value you will bring to a company and your resume will shine.