How Portable Monitors Can Improve Productivity and PC Use? : The world has rapidly adopted mobile solutions for daily workloads. While desktop PCs are still king when it comes to computing performance and capabilities, laptops and tablets have evolved significantly in the previous decade. The new norm gives people more freedom in working from home or during their commute, allowing them to finish their projects more conveniently.

However, small screen sizes in recent laptop and tablet models can be a concern as focusing on a small screen can damage the eyes. That’s why portable monitors like Lumonitor can be a viable solution if you need a more mobile workstation. They can also improve how you use a PC.

How Portable Monitors Can Improve Productivity and PC Use

Here are the best ways to use a portable monitor to improve performance and workflow.

Getting the Most Out of 4K Resolution

Thanks to the native 4K resolution Luminator offers, users can transform their 13-inch laptop into a 15.6-inch 4K workstation. The added clarity and size will make it much easier to sift through data. If the laptop already has a 15.6-inch screen, a paired Lumonitor can act as the secondary display. This will effectively double the available screen size, allowing you to handle more programs simultaneously.

Lumonitor is incredibly light and thin. It can fit inside a laptop carrying case effortlessly, letting the user carry the entire system with them wherever they go. One of the main benefits of a portable monitor is that you can still use it for your PC or consoles when you get home. The versatility you get with a portable device can be worth the reduction in screen size.

Mobile Screens Are a No Go

Mobile devices have become increasingly powerful in recent years, with smartphone CPU performance slowly rivaling other mobile devices. However, the phone screen is often too small for comfort, only allowing users to finish limited tasks supported through native apps.

Luckily, Lumonitor is an excellent solution when you’re away from any PC and need to get some work done. It has native support for most contemporary smartphones and also inherits touchscreen compatibility from the device it’s connected to. This let you transform a smartphone into a 15.6-inch laptop in an instant.

You won’t have to worry about battery use, either. Lumonitor comes with an integrated 8000mAh rechargeable battery, which is a novelty in the portable monitor sector. This enables it to work independently from the parent device and even charge phones or laptops with ease.

Second Monitor for the PC

PC users can always benefit from an extra monitor. Studies have shown a significant increase in productivity with multiple options. For example, you can use one monitor for video conferencing while browsing resources and data sheets on the other. The second monitor will lower the number of clicks and program switches you have to do to find the information you’re looking for at any point.

If you want to find out more benefits of a portable monitor, check out Lumonitor at