When we surf the Internet, we always want to have the maximum speed and that everything goes smoothly. However, this does not always happen. Sometimes complications arise that affect the proper functioning of the system and, in this case, of the browser. Something that undoubtedly greatly affects and can be decisive is the number of tabs we have open. It is something that happens to many users, no matter what browser they are using. In this article, we are going to explain how the number of tabs we have open can affect navigation and what we can do to control it.

How Can it Affect the Number of Open Tabs in the Browser?

If we think about how browsers were a few years ago, we can say that they have changed a lot. One of the radical changes that occurred (although this was a long time ago) is the possibility of having more than one page open at the same time. It is what we call tabs. I still remember how, in the beginning, when I used the Internet, I had to open two different browsers if I wanted to have two things open at the same time. Luckily that changed.

What happens now? The problem is that sometimes we may outdo ourselves. By this, we mean that we can have an excessive number of tabs open at the same time. This, as we can imagine, affects the performance of the browser. It can cause even the speed of the Internet to reduce, and our browsing does not go as we would like.

It should be mention that the device we use also influences a lot. Depending on the resources you have, having 10, 15, 30 tabs open will affect more or less. But yes, we can assure that it can affect not only the performance of the equipment but also the fluidity and speed when browsing.

It must also be said that not all the tabs we have open consume the same resources and, ultimately, affect the excellent performance of the equipment in the same way. It is not the same to have open pages that simply contain texts, then others where videos are played or are more dynamic (loading of maps, for example).

How to Know Which Pages are Consuming More Resources?

Luckily we can know which pages are consuming the most resources. In this way, in case of having a device that does not have enough resources, we will be able to choose which pages to keep open and which ones we should be more careful with. We can do it in the main browsers. We are going to focus on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, which are the most popular and most used by users.

In the case of Google Chrome, we can obtain this information by going to the Menu. We enter More tools and Task Manager. Here all the tabs that we have open at that moment will appear. We are interested in ordering it by the use of RAM memory. In this way, we will see which are the tabs that are consuming the most resources.

It should be mention that a website can consume more resources depending on the moment. In other words, for example, Twitter may consume few resources at a given moment, but after a while, it may consume much more. This is so since it accumulates all the load every time we update the content.

In Mozilla Firefox, we have a similar option. In this case, we have to write about: performance in the address bar. It will take us to a window where all the tabs that we have open at that moment appear, with the information on memory consumption.

Here we will have an idea of ​​which pages we visit are consuming the most resources. If we notice problems with browsing speed, fluidity, or any failure, we can always try to close these types of tabs.

How to Manage the Amount of Open Tabs?

As we have said, there are times when the number of tabs we have open is excessive. It may cause performance or speed problems. But it can also happen that it simply causes us discomfort. When we have dozens of tabs open at the same time, it is sometimes difficult to manage them all.

Luckily we can use some extensions to manage the tabs. We have them available for both Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

One of these extensions, perhaps the most popular, is The Great Suspender. The objective is none other than to save RAM memory of the open pages in Chrome. We can download it from the official Google Chrome store.

The way these extension works is very simple. What it does is suspend those tabs that have been open for a while but not used. In this way, they do not consume equipment resources, but they will be available when we need them. An interesting way to make our browser more fluid.

In the case of Mozilla Firefox, we have a similar option: Tab Suspend. Your goal is the same. With this software, we can automatically suspend those tabs that we do not use to save system memory. We can download it from the Mozilla store.

We always recommend downloading this type of software from official stores. This way, we make sure to install software that has not been maliciously modified.

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