Here’s How You Can Find The Perfect Flat For Yourself In Hyderabad – What does it take to find a perfect house for rent in Hyderabad? You’ve already moved out of your hometown, bagged a great new job and moved to the city. Now the only thing you need to figure out is where you’re going to live. This is going to be your first time living away from home and you’re not quite sure what separates a good flat from a great one. Or how you should go about finding one for yourself. Luckily, you don’t have to dive in blind. We’ve got some great tips to help you out. Take a look at our easy guide to finding the perfect flat for yourself in Hyderabad.

Do some research

All good plans start with research. To find a great place to live in Hyderabad, you need to know a bit about the city first. Find out the cost of living in Hyderabad and see how much rent you can realistically afford. Remember that there’s a whole host of other living expenses that you have to incur on a monthly basis like utilities, food, and commute so it’s best to keep some buffer in your budget. Find out about the culture of the city and what most young people like you do in terms of accommodation. Hyderabad has a lot of options for migrants, from hostels and PGs to flats and managed accommodations like Stanza Living, so you can see which suit you best.

Planning your needs

What seems like a great flat on paper isn’t necessarily the best option for you. And that’s because you have different needs that need to be catered to. If your budget is low but you still want a larger space to live in, flat sharing in Hyderabad will be better than opting for a PG room. If minimising travel time is your priority, a flat near your office will be preferable to one in a large residential neighbourhood. So, once you’ve done your basic research, think about your own priorities. What’s your budget, the area you want to live, the number of people you’re willing to share with and the amenities you want your home to have will determine the kind of flat that you look for.

Visit your shortlist

After you’ve checked out the listings online, you need to see a few places in person. Trust us, you don’t want to skip this step. The last thing you want is to end up stuck in a flat with damp walls or broken fixtures because you booked it without visiting in person. Check out your top three to five options and make notes about the pros and cons of each. Don’t be afraid to open doors and cabinets, try out the taps and the electrical appliances in the flat, as this will give you an idea of what works well and what doesn’t even before moving in. Try and speak to the landlords of each property as well as you’ll have to deal with them in whichever flat you choose. Make sure you ask any questions and try to negotiate the best deal for rent as well.

Get it in writing

Once you’ve taken a decision, it’s time to complete the formalities and sign the paperwork. Get your documentation in order so that you’re able to sign the rent agreement without any hassle. You’ll need your bank account details, your PAN card and your Aadhar card. You also need to take some time to go over your lease agreement form in detail. Check every clause and make sure you talk to your landlord if there’s something you want to change. Remember that you don’t need to sign the agreement as it is, you are entitled to negotiate and change anything that doesn’t work for you. Make sure that the lease reflects the amount of rent, the date it is due and all other relevant information before you sign it. And if your landlord does not provide you with a rent agreement or insists on items that are outside the lease, consider it a red flag. You never know if they might be trying to scam you or get you in trouble and you need to be able to trust your landlord so make sure that you choose a place where you have all the details clearly mentioned in writing.

So, there you have it. Finding a great place to live in Hyderabad can seem like a daunting process at first but doing your research well and taking your time to make informed decisions can really help make this an easy task. Good luck!