How Can I Expedite the Scheduling of Interviews? – Recruiters can feel very overwhelmed by juggling many duties and tasks all at once. To make matters worse, manually scheduling interviews with hundreds or thousands of applicants can really drain your company’s resources, time and effort. If you speed up the scheduling of a interviews by using the right technology, the precious time gained will be used in other productive tasks to propel your company in the right direction. When you schedule interviews online with the right technology, you will be able to balance your workload and create meaningful relationships with your candidates at every step of the recruitment process.

Interview scheduling can be expedited by using automated scheduling. The scheduling software will collect the recruiters’ free time slots and dates and compile them in a calendar that is easy to use. The candidates will then choose the date and time that is perfect for them. Automation interview scheduling also enables the recruiters to focus on the interview. Additionally, the automating software allows the shortlisted candidates to schedule from their laptops, phones or anywhere in the world through the use of a browser. Majority of the short-listed job seekers schedule it within 24 hours after getting the invitation. Interview workflows that can be automated include one-on-one, panel and sequential interviews among others.

Automating interview schedules reduces the waiting time for both candidates and recruiters, and allows shortlisted candidates to move onto the next step of recruitment as soon as possible. Employers should automate interviews for the following reasons:

It will save a lot of time

Interview scheduling is a very repetitive task, especially if you need to recruit many employees or deal with many shortlisted candidates. Automating it allows you to free up your time to do more important duties such as the interviewing process. Additionally, it will reduce delays and allow recruiters to secure top talent faster.

It is a great experience for candidates

Traditional recruiting can often be a long process for candidates who may be forced to wait for hours or days to get the email for the interview schedule. On the other hand, automation tools allow the candidates to take the lead and schedule at their convenience. This will not only improve the candidate’s experience, but also make the job-seeker feel respected and valued. Moreover, it will ensure the communication between recruiters and candidates is not marred by delays and errors.

It is scalable

It helps both big and small companies meet their hiring goals. The software can handle many candidates at once and will allow you to meet your business hiring goals as your company continues to grow.


To speed up your interview scheduling, you need to incorporate automation. Automated scheduling in the hiring process will not only provide a great experience for your candidates but will also allow you to meet your hiring goals sooner and free up a lot of space. You will be able to recruit top talent within a short time and have more free time to do other important and productive duties. The future of interview scheduling is automation.