5 Ways CRM Can Help Create Better Email Campaigns – A CRM – also known as a Customer Relationship Manager – is a system that enables business users to better manage a customer’s data. It contains a wide array of information, tags, and labels about customers. From there, that information can be manipulated in order to sort, filter, and better connect with customers by providing them more personalized and customized content. This information can be invaluable for your business.
CRM’s have a wide array of uses. They also can be used as a way of creating better contacts, including better Email campaigns. As such, here is a list of 5 ways a good CRM system can help you create better Emails.

Why You Need A CRM with Email Features & How CRMs Can Improve Your Emails

A good Email CRM system can dramatically improve your Emails in many ways. These include the following:

Better segmentation

Any CRM that has even the most basic functionality has features that allow you to add labels or filters to a customer’s file. This includes items that are related to demographics, purchase patterns, open rates, and more. As a result, you can create Email systems that allow you to customize the content – or the Emails themselves – based on these filters. This allows you to create and send more valuable and useful content. For example, let’s say you had a customer who had never opened an Email that you sent. A good CRM system could detect this and an Email blast with a subject that was specifically related to that behavior, like, “PSST! If we gave you 20% off, would THAT make you open the Email?”

Personalization and customization

The most basic thing a CRM does is keep track of a customer’s name. Your CRM could – and should – then allow for Email content to be personalized from a person’s name. However, it should also allow for enhanced customization based on previous purchasing patterns and click-throughs. If your CRM enables you to track what a person has clicked on in the past, it should then automatically customize the content of the Email. You could then note that in the Email with a line like, “Your personalized shopping cart.” This allows you to mix marketing copy and Email content.

High-quality content assistance

A good CRM should come with one of two items when it comes to creating good Email copy. First, it needs to have its own high-quality editor that should make it easy to create fantastic Email content, including appropriately formatted text, graphics, GIFs, or videos. Barring that, it has to integrate with third-party software, allowing all of the data contained within the CRM to be easily integrated into another Email system that can create good content for you.

The latest content trends

One of the challenges with creating high-quality Emails is that the arena is constantly changing. A few years ago, integration with video was all the rage. Of late, it’s about interactive content, like clickable elements within the Email or mini-games. This content isn’t exactly cutting edge, but the CRM cannot go stale. As a result, you have to ensure that your CRM is constantly updating with the latest content, or integrating with a third-party developer that is doing all the work. Additionally, displaying good content isn’t enough – your CRM has to integrate the data from the content, tracking and updating when a user is clicking on elements within your Email address. This allows you to better segment and personalize content at a later date.

Social media integration

When done right, social media and Email work beautifully together. Make sure that your CRM allows for Email content to integrate with social media. This means a variety of things, including pulling data from your social media feed or easily integrating sharable buttons.
This barely scratches the surface of the ways a good CRM system can help to improve the content of your Email. Make sure you investigate a CRM in order to find a program that best suits your needs, and don’t buy a CRM package unless it explicitly addresses how to improve your Emails.