Wireless connections have been improving over time. We are talking about Wi-Fi networks but also mobile networks. They have nil to do with the current speeds that we had only a few years ago when we connected mobile to the router or navigated through the mobile network outside the home. The technology that will mark the next decade is 5G. Now, could we connect to Wi-Fi and 5G at the same time?

Connect to Wi-Fi and 5G at the Same Time

The Wi-Fi networks have the current capacity to offer much higher speeds than a few years ago. We have seen, for example, the Wi-Fi 6 protocol that came to improve what we already had with Wi-Fi 5. This allows users to obtain not only better speeds but also more stability and quality.

The same goes for mobile networks. 4G offered a much higher speed than 3G. The 5G, when implanted in the whole society, will further enhance mobile connections. This will also allow the use of new tools and devices that require minimal latency.

But of course, first, we have to choose between connecting to Wi-Fi or using mobile networks. It may be that in certain circumstances, one or the other option is better, depending on whether we have coverage if there are other connected devices, etc.

What if we Connect to Both Options at the Same Time?

That is what they have raised in a report that we echo. They have analyzed how Wi-Fi traffic can move flexibly between 5G cells and Wi-Fi cells. This is done through overflow, vertical transfer, horizontal transfer, and return operations, as explained by the team.

To do this, they rely on an integrated wireless network that uses the 5G mobile network architecture as mobility sustains for Wi-Fi traffic, and they model the traffic of the integrated architecture with dwell times generally distributed by the user. In the integrated architecture, Wi-Fi traffic acquires complete user mobility.

The researchers add that a similar approach to quality assurance could also be extended to 5G integrated with other types of systems, such as sensor networks, smart vehicle networks, and applications of what we know as the Internet of Things.

Ultimately, many users may choose to connect their devices by combining Wi-Fi and 5G networks. In this way, our teams would choose one or the other network according to the moment, according to the circumstances and possibilities. Thus we will always obtain the maximum speed, stability, and quality of the connection.

5G, the Technology That Will Change the Internet

Many believe that the arrival of 5G will change the Internet. At least the use we make of the network will change in many ways. We do not only speak at the user level but also the business and infrastructure level.

5G technology will bring speeds never seen before on mobile devices. That is logical and will change the way in which we can download and upload information. The cloud is going to gain importance. Many users will begin to work more with the cloud than before since they will have access to content in a simpler and faster way.

But in addition to that, it will also introduce changes in the way we communicate. 5G is going to make latency non-existent practically. We already know that pinging is one of the most important problems when making a video call or using different applications remotely.

This will also make it easier for doctors and other sectors that can carry out their functions remotely as if they were there. Even the use of remotely controlled robots through 5G is going to add a lot to society as a whole.

Therefore we can say that 5G is going to be the mobile technology that is going to change the Internet in many aspects. There is still time ahead, as there are few compatible devices and very little coverage worldwide. We will have to stay a few years and see if this technology is going to offer a range of possibilities as wide as it is supposed.

In Conclusion, as we have mentioned through that study carried out in the United States, it is possible to combine Wi-Fi and 5G technology to connect to the network. It will be an option that  many users will keep in mind in their day today.

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