Freelancing is rapidly becoming popular in almost all parts of the world because of the convenience of work times and self-governance. It became even more popular during Covid when most people lost their jobs and had to find creative ways to use their talents and skills to make money.

However, some people still find freelancing tricky because they do not understand the dynamics and lack the proper tools for the job. You need help managing different aspects of your work, especially when no one tells you what to do. That is why we came up with this list of must-have apps essential to every freelancer.

1.   Project Management Application

Working alone can be hectic, especially if you do not have a way to streamline your workflow. It gets even more complicated when you have many projects with different deadlines and requirements. A project management app is one of the most convenient freelance apps to make your work easier and more manageable.

2.   A Client Management Application

It is easy when you have a single client, but once your brand starts to grow, you will have a hard time handling different clients at the same time. The best thing to do is to have a centralized platform with each client’s data to keep track of updates and give you a breakdown of your relationship with a particular client.

3.   A Meeting Scheduler

As a freelancer, you will have numerous meetings with clients to discuss projects, payments, or even share progress. You cannot possibly keep track of all those meetings unless you have the help of a freelance app like a meeting scheduler. Such freelance apps help keep your meetings organized and ensure no two meetings collide.

4.   Accounting Freelance Apps

Bookkeeping can be intimidating, especially when you are running your own business. There is so much to do, including taxes, bills, and calculating profits. The other tricky thing about accounting in freelancing is that the money can come in at any time and in any amount. You need proper bookkeeping to manage your finances and grow your business.

5.   An Online-Accessible Calendar

A calendar helps you keep track of important days. You need to know important meeting dates anytime you want, and an online accessible calendar is the best solution. A calendar app helps you stay on top of your most essential tasks.

6.   A Time Tracker

Another essential app in freelance apps is a time tracker. You can easily lose track of time when you do not have someone to tell you when to start or stop. A time tracker also ensures that you get the proper compensation for your time and not feel overworked and underpaid.


The above freelance apps are just some of the applications that will make your freelancing journey easier. You can get a lot more if you invest in a platform that gives you access to all the above applications and more. It is about time you take control of your freelancing business and handle everything like a boss.