Best MAC Apps for Students – Laptops play a vital role in the education industry. They have become an integral part of student life. These portable computers offer various benefits to students. They offer flexibility whereby students can take their schoolwork home, take notes, create and edit documents, among others.

The Macintosh laptop, mainly known as Mac, is common among students due to its likable features. Mac laptops contract fewer computer viruses, are of premium build quality and tend to last longer.

There are various essential Mac apps every student ought to have to improve their learning experience. These applications are practical, intuitive and easy to use. They include:

Split Screen Ultimate

Split Screen Ultimate is used to manage, split and restore windows. The app is easy to use and provides various ways for the user to split or resize windows.

It also supports dual monitors making it feasible to perform different tasks at the same time.

Split Screen Ultimate allows you to split a document either vertically or horizontally. A vertical split enables you to compare two documents, while a horizontal split allows the user to view different chunks of the document.

The app has many unique features. They include customizable keyboard shortcuts, drag and snaps like Microsoft windows, split-screen using keyboard and three parts splitting.

It offers many benefits to students, such as multilingual support to people who do not speak English or are unfamiliar with it.

It aids in the organization of documents in case you are required to open different windows simultaneously and demonstrate actions that are taking place at the same time.


This is a checklist app that manages tasks and projects. It allows you to add reminders, comments, labels, upload files, projects, tasks, filters and even create voice notes. It is simple to use, and you do not need to add dates on tasks or choose a folder for the tasks.

Big projects can be sectioned into tasks and sub-tasks, which aid in planning and organization. You can add labels or colors to the projects. This helps in grouping. For example, science projects may have a different label from history projects.

The different colors may also be used to indicate the urgency of a project. The projects can be put in waiting or archived if complete. This prevents unnecessary accumulation of finished projects.

The tasks to be done are split into seven days, meaning you view only the tasks that are upcoming within the seven days.

The app has a productive chart that presents data statistically; it shows how productive you have been in completing tasks. After completing tasks, the app unlocks new achievements to keep you motivated.

It is efficient for school group projects and team building to share their account and monitor productivity. Todoist app makes school work manageable and aids in meeting deadlines.


Text sniper allows you to capture, extract and copy text from an image then paste it on a word document, notepad or any other application of your choice.

It is also used to read QR codes and barcodes and aids in converting text to speech, meaning it automatically reads text.

Text sniper app is handy to students, especially where the learning sessions are online, and you have to copy and write down notes.

It helps where files cannot be shared and where the PDFs are enormous, and you have to take notes in sections to put in different slides.

It is also suitable for extracting texts and pictures from books.

The most outstanding feature of the app is that it can extract texts that cannot be selected and copied.

Spark Mail

Spark mail has unique features that help manage and organize emails.

These features allow you to snooze emails to the time you want to read them. It also allows you to use personalized signatures, have multiple accounts, and create new folders to store emails, preventing clatter in the inbox.

The app saves time as it allows the creation of customized quick replies to reply speedily to emails. This comes in handy if emails require the same response example when responding to a question asked by different students in your class.

A team or school group can discuss and share emails, templates, and other features using Spark mail, making collaboration easier and effective.

It is integrated with other apps like a to-do list and calendar, which helps plan and organize schoolwork.


This is a read later application that allows you to grab articles, videos, research, blogs and other readable material. The information from the websites is downloaded by an extension that automatically syncs to your pocket app.

The information downloaded is stored in the pocket app, which allows you to read even when offline. The app used to have various features such as;

Tags used to categorize and locate downloaded information, adjust text size, edit data, set favorites, and archive information.

It has custom-sized options that allow you to view the text as it is or the replica of that web page. The app integrates with other third-party applications, which would enable sharing of information.

This is a must-have app for students as it allows you to store and read information while offline. It also keeps you focused as you can concentrate on current information and save the rest for later.


Grammarly is to correct and edit grammatical mistakes in a word document. It measures the correctness of the document, clarity, delivery, engagement and checks on plagiarism.

You can also select the style of text by setting up options for the audience, formality, domain, tone and intent.

Grammarly automatically detects it and provides suggestions for the word or text when a word or text is wrong. It also measures the degree of coherence of your essays and provides tips on how to improve.

The support with this platform is incredible as it offers direct extensions to third-party applications such as Microsoft word. This allows you to edit your work as you create the document.

This is beneficial to students. You do not have to research the correct words. It also allows you to import or export the word document, making it easier to operate the app.


This is a note-taking app that allows you to take notes and organize files. It has various features like templates used where projects have repetitive tasks, saving time and designing tools, for example, when creating subject tittles and videos.

It allows you to create documents inside tables, create new pages, use various emojis, hide information inside toggles and display data in a different format.

Notion greatly aids in understanding content and memorizing as it promotes active recall reading.

Notion also enables students to rate and keep track of activities, create timetables and organize their school work.


These applications improve productivity, engagement, promote organization, better planning and increase student’s motivation. They do so by simplifying learning and making it enjoyable through the use of various features.

We live in a tech world, and everything is becoming tech-oriented. Schools are becoming paperless, and online teaching sessions are replacing traditional classrooms. It is vital that accept and adapt to these changes to benefit from various opportunities brought about by technology.