Information technology continues to advance within companies. This allows work to be completed quickly and at lower costs. In this way, a lot of work is automated, and processes are accelerated. Advanced computer programs ensure that administration is completely automatic and even invoicing and accounts receivable management is done automatically.

The Lawyer Often Lags Behind

If we look at the Netherlands, we also see that information technology has taken off enormously. This is only different in several sectors, especially in the “liberal” professions, such as notaries and lawyers. A good example of this are personal injury lawyers. Because they lag in the field of information technology, for example, a personal injury lawyer in Rotterdam (Dutch: letselschade advocaat Rotterdam) is replaced by a personal injury lawyer from a personal injury agency. These are often entrepreneurs who understand computers, computer programs, and processes to speed up and simplify work.

What Does a Personal injury lawyer Actually do?

To understand what role information technology has in the personal injury industry, it is good to look at what a personal injury lawyer or personal injury lawyer does.

If you have been involved in a traffic accident, industrial accident or dog bite, there is a good chance that you have suffered injuries as a result. If someone else is at fault, for example, because you were hit from behind, this person is obliged to compensate your damage. This damage is called personal injury.

Personal injury consists of various damage items, which can be divided into 2 main areas, material damage and damages (Dutch: smartengeld). Material damage includes all damage that can be valued in money. This could include loss of income as a result of disability. But medical costs, travel costs and household help are also examples of this. Non-material damage is compensation for the suffering suffered as a result of a collision, accident at work or dog bite. This may include pain, sadness and fear such as fear of driving or fear of dogs after someone has been bitten by a dog.

Information Technology in the Personal Injury Industry

In recent years, a huge number of personal injury lawyers and personal injury agencies have emerged in the Netherlands. This is due to the fact that a personal injury victim in the Netherlands is entitled to free legal assistance in the event of an accident.

Entrepreneurs have dived en masse into the personal injury industry because there is a lot of money to be made. For example, all motor vehicles in the Netherlands are compulsorily insured. But almost all companies are also insured against liability. It is therefore usually the damage insurance that pays the costs of a personal injury lawyer or personal injury lawyer.

Unfortunately, many personal injury lawyers have not kept up with the times and until recently they did not use computer programs and computers and systems were outdated. There is also often too little to be done when it comes to internet marketing. Only a few personal injury lawyers keep up with the times and understand how important information technology is.

Personal injury agencies do a lot with information technology and internet marketing, which is why they are increasingly taking over the market in the field of personal injury recovery. This is at the expense of the quality of legal assistance. After all, lawyers generally have much more knowledge than most personal injury agencies. A bad development that is irreversible.