Creative Elements – These days web notifications are losing their popularity at an alarming rate to mobile notifications. People are hardly paying any attention to web notifications. It doesn’t matter if you are increasing frequency. They are failing on a continuous basis to attract customers.

Now you must be probably wondering about the solution. Isn’t it?

To increase the effectiveness of web notifications, you are required to emphasize on making your web push notifications effective. You are required to focus on the creative elements of modern web notifications. You need to put creativity into WordPress Push Notifications. You have to make your WooCommerce Push Notifications attractive. Sounds difficult?

No worries, we are presenting you with creative elements of modern web notification that you need to know.

1. Execute A/B and Multivariate Testing

You are required to perform experimentation with notifications. You are required to measure the revenue impact and then to perform optimization accordingly. A/B testing and multivariate testing with a ‘control group’ are some of the crucial factors that can provide you information on what is working and what not?

The thing is, we are living in an era where Artificial Intelligence (AI) has come a long way. Machine learning has changed the way things used to happen earlier. These days the technology is capable enough to provide users data based on their history on the platform. You will get every detail on what has worked and what not? This will give a major boost to your marketing efforts and will help you with sales.

2. Behavior-Based Web Push Notifications

These days the technology is advanced enough to provide you with relevant data regarding the history of your customer. This means you can send web notifications based on the behavior of the customers.

The thing is every individual has its own interests and likings. If you are there in the market to sell a single product or service to all of your customers, you are not doing any good to your business.

This means if you are sending a personalized web push notification, you are increasing chances of a sale. Moreover, you can also send automatically triggered push notifications regarding cart abandonment, user drop offers, etc. This will increase the probability that the customer will click and read the web notification and take motivated actions.

3. Compelling Content

When it comes to web notification, content plays a crucial role. This era is of video and images. There is less of an audience that is interested in reading long texts.

You are required to keep your content clear and concise. You are required to avoid jargon. More persuasive and clear messages mean easy and effective communication with the audience. As an outcome more success to your business. So, it is a good idea to use effective and short content that communicates your message in a simple and effective way to the audience of almost every category.

4. Create a Sense of Urgency

Urgency is the prime factor that drives sales. It is one of the crucial elements that motivate a user to go shopping. You are required to create an action-oriented content. It is more likely to create a conversion as compared to normal content.

You can create this urgency by giving your audience a limited time offer. You can offer discounts, giveaways by adding a reverse clock. The thing is, the technology is so advanced that it can motivate the audience on a psychological level to complete the task as soon as possible. You can further add call-to-action buttons like “hurry up”, the stock is running out”, “limited period offer” and so on to increase the chances of conversion.

5. Rich Media

When it comes to rich media there is no match to web push notifications. It is one of the key elements that make a web notification effective. Rich media means you can add text, graphics, gifs, emojis, images videos, etc.

The benefit of using a rich media is, it creates an eye-catchy effect. The thing is customers are more attracted to the notification which is unique and good looking. Images, gifs, emojis create positive emotions.  This motivates the audience to go for immediate action. Thus it helps you to get greater conversions without putting hard efforts.

6. Timing

Timing is one of the important aspects that generate sales. The thing is, the audience is busy with their daily tasks. As a result, they are hardly having any time to see your notification in detail. If you want to get a good conversion rate, you can send timely web notifications.

The technology provides you the ability to send timely notifications to your users. This means you are going to send a web push notification when your audience is free. This means you are increasing your chances of sales. The thing is, your audience will be able to see your notification taking their time. So the chances are higher that they will close the deal right on the spot.

7. Frequency

Web push notifications are effective when they become a part of an effective strategy. If you think that you are in control of web notifications and you can send them in the frequency that you want. You are not doing any good to your business.

The chances are high that your customers will get frustrated and will unsubscribe your web notification service. Thus you are required to use a limited frequency for sending web notifications. It not only makes your customers feel special but also motivates them to see your notification with a sense of eagerness.


When it comes to creative elements of modern web notifications, they are many. But the thing that matters the most is, are they working or not? To help you out on the same we have provided you with the trusted and tested elements that can help you to increase the quality of web notifications.

Author Bio:
Wonderpush, provides you an opportunity to mark the presence of your business online. It provides you with WordPress-WooCommerce push notifications that are capable enough to drive conversions.

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