Simple Link Building Strategies that Work in 2022 – If you’re a business owner or a marketer, you’ve likely asked yourself how you can get backlinks to your website to boost online visibility and earn more organic traffic. However, things get tricky once you realize you need authoritative links that aren’t paid for or sponsored.

Link building helps improve the website’s search performance by ranking the vital pages targeted for industry keywords and building brand authority. Since they associate you with relevant and authoritative sites, they signal to search engines your website is also authoritative.

These link-building benefits are great, but how to build quality links that work in 2022? In this article, we explore 7 link-building strategies that can help improve your website’s ranking in 2022 and beyond, so keep on reading to learn more.

The Importance of Link Building

Link building is the practice of acquiring backlinks from other authoritative and relevant sites to yours. The goal of link building is to show Google that your site is a trustworthy source of information and make sure your pages rank well on the search engine results pages (SERPs) for relevant keywords. Some services, such as Play Media link building services, can help you achieve that.

Backlinks are one of the ranking factors Google uses to assess the credibility and authority of your pages. And if authoritative sites link to your resource, it shows Google your page contains valuable information and your site is trustworthy. That said, the more quality links point to your website, the higher you can rank on Google. This, in turn, will help drive more organic traffic to your site.

The keyword here is quality. Google focuses both on link quality and quantity, so if you want to rank high on the SERPs, you need to build high-quality links that contribute to your site’s trustworthiness and credibility. To help you do that, we compiled a list of x simple link-building strategies that work in 2022.

7 Simple Link Building Strategies for 2022

Now that you know what link building is and why it’s important, it’s time to discover some of the best link-building strategies that can help you rank higher on the SERPs.

Simple Link Building Strategies for 2022

  1. Backlink Hunting

Search for your competitor’s domain using your SEO tools. The report you get will likely show their backlink profile overview, several domains, referring domains, and more.

You will want to look at the referring domains and make a note of the domains that seem relevant to your site. Once you’ve done that, take note of the actual URL source and check if there’s a chance to get you featured in the same source.

Sometimes, reaching out to the source can get you a link too, but other times, you’ll just have a list of domains to target with your content marketing or outreach.

  1. Local Link Building

Local link building is vital for small businesses to rank for industry keywords within their area. While local links are fairly easy to find, they are hard to replicate for an SEO campaign.

One of the best local link-building strategies is writing a content piece featuring the top non-competing brands in your location. This is a type of link bait because you help those brands get more exposure. Meanwhile, you allow them to promote your content piece across their networks, helping you get new visitors to your site.

It’s a good idea to get buy-in first from local brands you’ll feature in your content piece, meaning you initially reach out to them and ask whether they want to be part of your content. Often, they’ll accept your request because it benefits their branding. From then, you can rest assured they’ll be promoting your local content.

  1. Help a Reporter Out

Help a Reporter Out (HARO) is a free subscription that notifies you whenever publishers and journalists are looking for sources. You’ll get an email when someone is searching for information about a topic. Then, you can respond in hopes of getting featured.

Although placement in an article isn’t guaranteed, HARO has worked well for various industries. The key here is to respond as fast as possible, start with a friendly opener, and offer accurate and valuable advice.

  1. Co-Marketing

Co-marketing is an excellent strategy to get more reach and visitors and build your brand authority quickly. Since you’ll be banking on other websites’ authority and following, you can quickly acquire the authority and grow your site.

One of the best ways to apply co-marketing is by reciprocally exchanging links with similar industry blogs. Although link exchange is often perceived as a negative strategy, the truth is many top industry blogs exchange backlinks from each other’s content pieces with no manipulation involved. They link to each other because they know their readers can learn more through links in their articles.

First, make a list of industry blogs with similar domain authority. For example, if your domain rating is 71, find industry blogs with 70 or 80 domain ratings. Find an article where you want to link from to your blog and offer to link back to any of their relevant blogs.

  1. Repair Broken Backlinks

Broken backlinks are websites that have already linked to your website, but a technical error is causing a broken link or the original page was removed. You can use SEO tools for broken link building, and message the domain and request that they re-add a link to your site or ensure the original source is made live.

  1. Referential Content Asset Strategy

Besides manual outreach, there’s also a passive way to get new links by ranking for referential keywords. These keywords are phrases people use when looking for resources to cite on their content, such as phrases with templates, statistics, tools, or question-like searches.

If you create an article that gets referenced by other content creators and publishers, you benefit from passive link building, meaning that as you rank for these keywords and other people find it valuable to add to their article, you get new links from their websites.

  1. Reach Contributor Status

Reaching contributor status means putting in your time to form partnerships with several key sites you can write for regularly. This helps ensure a publishing spot and allows you to build trust, which can translate to more link placements.

Although this requires a slow and steady approach, it can pay off in the long run. Networking, sharing value on forms, attending events, and publishing quality content on your blog are all excellent ways to help you earn contributor opportunities.

Get Creative

After reading this article, you know what link-building is, why it’s important, and some of the best link-building strategies. These are all ethical strategies you can use to build a solid link profile and drive more organic traffic to your site.

Wherever you create content, you can use it for your link-building benefit. That said, don’t feel restricted by traditional strategies – look for new ways to offer value to your target audience, and build authority in your industry. This will set you up for success in building lucrative relationships, earning quality backlinks, and driving more organic traffic to your website.