Mixed Reality Write for Us
Basically, Mixed Reality, is a term that defines, fundamentally, the combination between the real and virtual world through electronic devices. The period of mixed Reality is closely related to the concept of augmented reality or augmented reality. Above all, With its Windows Mixed Reality product line, Microsoft has been incredibly instrumental in bringing mixed Reality to new popularity.
Mixed Reality: definition and origin of the term
Basically, The term mixed reality dates back to 1994, the year in which the essay Augmented Reality: A class of displays on the reality-virtuality continuum by Paul Milgram, Haruo Takemura, Akira Utsumi, and Fumio Kishino was published.
Moreover, in this context, mixed Reality is considered an umbrella term that encompasses, among other things, augmented reality and virtuality. Therefore, In this case, the authors start from a continuum of reality-virtuality.
According to this model, mixed Reality encompasses everything that does not belong one hundred per cent to the “real environment” and, at the same time, is not one hundred per cent “virtual”. Therefore, the natural environment, on the one hand, and the virtual environment, on the other hand, are the opposite poles of this model and everything that is between these two elements and contains them is mixed Reality, at least in principle. In other words, the borders within mixed Reality blurred; Consequently, that is, the proportion of “real” and “virtual” elements in a mixed reality application varies depending on the case.
Mixed Reality on Windows
Basically, With Windows 10, Microsoft has given new impetus to the concept of Mixed Reality. Windows Mixed Reality, you offer a whole range of applications in this area. on the other hand With its product line, Microsoft starts from the continuum of virtual Reality shown above and criticizes that most augmented reality applications only use a small percentage of the entire spectrum that mixed Reality offers and leave aside many possibilities provided by the combination of natural and virtual environments simply because technology falls short.
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